Feb 12, 2009 23:45
So I find myself remembering that a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I created a lj account for a reason I can't remember now before entering high school, while almost my whole life was spent outside what people usually call "reality"...
And suddenly I'm back here, and find myself in a strangely similiar situation, even if it couldn't be more different.
I have f*cking high school behind me, for starters...
But I'm still living my life in fiction, even if it is for different reasons.
Very simple: I lived outside reality before simply because my life had too little action for my overactive brain, so I lived in many different dimensions (and fandoms, once I discovered them)
And now I think I do this simply because there is just too much happening in my life right now, and I might get crazy if I leave my mind to its own devices...
Nah, but why am I rambling here, if no one will listen to me anyway?
Ok, first things first. Why am I here again?
Oh yeah, I want to write. In English. Being a non-native speaker...
Yes. This is it. And what else?
Yeah, joining a community with the same interest, and perhaps finding someone who could help me out a bit would also be nice...
*so why don't you quit rambling and get yourself introduced to some people, stupid?*
Hmmm... You're right, you know? And I'm talking to myself again. Greeeat.
I'd better just stop it before I embarrass myself any further.