Dreams and writing...

Mar 01, 2009 14:37

After finally finding a beta (who found a perfect solution to the part where I was stuck), my head was swimming with all the ideas and I knew just how to write the scene that had been bugging me for so long...

But, as it was already late (and I have to get used to sleeping early >.<), and I had already turned off Harry ( my laptop's name), and I went to sleep.
Needless to say, I kept thinking about the fic (and the fandom in general) as I went to sleep, and, as it often happens, dreamed about it.

I had a strange, but nonetheless nice dream today...

I dreamed that Crowley and Aziraphale had a plan, which they had devised many years ago, to help a girl (which wasn't me, actually, but I was in the girl's conscience, so it was kinda me...), to save her from something evil. And they gave the girl the codename "HBO". ( yeah, even at the dream I was thinking along the lines of "WTF" when I heard it).

At first, it involved a lot of running and a tunnel that Aziraphale and a kind of army he had assembled had dug in the middle of a house, with a very claustrophobic, narrow entryway... The tunnel itself was made of earth, but the entrance seemed to be made of some kind of sticky foam that almost closed it off. Crowley was supposed to get across it with the girl, but, as he was entering the tunnel, he heard voices of people coming and took his time to close off the house and put a very large stone in front of the tunnel, so it wouldn't be noticed.

Thus, the scene "changed".

In this second part, after going through the tunnel, they were all seeking help in a town that seemed to be in India (why India? well, I have absolutely no idea) She was still escaping someone, and I thought it was from Hell, as a part involved trying to trick some Satanist that believed that Crowley was working for hell when he really wasn't. So they were in a kind of small hotel/hospital, and Crowley told the satanist couple that he was having a conference with some supernatural beings, and locked himself in a room, when, in truth, he went out to look for another angel that could speak to Aziraphale for something ( I don't remember what).

Meanwhile, I was no longer that girl: I was myself, but was still helping the girl escape. One of the other people helping was an indian girl, but she didn't quite understand it, so she often got frustrated by trying to understand what was really going on.  I was constantly walking with her through the hallways, trying to steer the satanist away from the room where the girl was and where Crowley was supposed to be, and, at a time, I entered that room to find the girl hiding. Unfortunately, the satanists opened the door and saw us, so I went running to find Aziraphale or Crowley to tell them that.

When I opened the door to the room they were in, however, they were playing "truco" ( a Brazilian card game) with another blond angel, had their wings out, and were drinking and smoking merrily.

When I told them what had happened they set to motion, but the poor indian girl was completely confused.

I was trying to explain the whole situation to her (even the part about angels and demons and stuff), when my mother opened the door to see if I was awake, and ended up waking me >.<

If I could patch it all together to a coherent time line I could even write something about it, but I doubt I could re-capture the funny spirit of the dream... I woke up smiling.

good omens, dreams

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