Baby come on over tonight.

Dec 15, 2005 14:56

Soooooo, it's Thursday. Tomorrow is Frrriiiday.. and I'll be home saturday. But I have to leave saturday evening around 6ish because Sunday is Jons birthday. I'm sure he'll like what I got him. Anyway, I'm pretty much done all my Christmas shopping. I have a few things left to get. I'm pretty excited about Christmas, Jon got me a bunch of stuff and I'm excited to see what it is. So last night I printed out some pictures from my digital camera. Woo. I love my digital camera. That was one thing I really just had to have, the other is an MP3 player so I can listen to music at work. I'm pretty excited that we get three more user icons. I'm going to make some new ones later I'm sure. Anyway, lunch break is over. back to work.
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