Jan 30, 2005 18:50
Well what is there to say? What a fucking weekend. I get the pleasure of checking a journal Friday that greatly upset me, but I can't go anyfucking where because of an icestorm, so I weaseld my way down the street to Jimmy's, where I spent the night with Andrea, Liz, and Jimmy trying desperately to cheer me up but it was definately a lost cause. Yesterday, I didn't do a damn thing but sit around and mope in the helpless emotional black hold that has become my life. So today, my friends call me up to go to the mall with them, Quintard to be exact. And we're all around having a good ol' time, that is Me, Joel, Jimmy, and Michael, standing in front of Electronic Boutique, when Michael realizes that he has seen that girl and her mother and she goes to our school. Lo and behold, I turn around, and realize that it is none other than Jordan. Yay. I get all the way to Anniston to escape my depression with my friends, and yet I still wind up face to face with it. So we get back to Joel's since that was a bad idea for me, and we rent a movie for our viewing pleasure. Guess what that movie is. Without a Paddle. Anyone care to take a stab at who I went and saw that one with in theaters. Shoot me now. Just fucking shoot me and get it over with.