I went to a service down at my local church on Sunday evening and I decided that I wasn't going to be the lonely quiet one for once, and that I was going to talk to someone. There was a new guy there (dude) so I thought, what the heck, go for it. Turned out, he was all right to talk to, and could keep the conversation flowing (yay!). After the service, I checked the time and was like gah! I'm late, so I said good bye to my friend who goes there and ran out.
Cut to Monday evening: we're sitting have dinner, chatting away, when this comes up....
My Sister: "Rachel said Emilie and Becky (two girls at the church) were miffed at you for running out last night before they had a chance to match make you with (dude)."
Me: "*laughs* No way. OMG."
=/ I've never had that before lol. He's a nice guy... but I wasn't looking for anything like that.
I told my sister to tell them they'd officially scared me off ever coming again =P Whether she'll actually relay the message to them, I don't know haha.
Next port of call... it's my 18th birthday in under two weeks!!! YAY! I've finally got over the squee-age of getting my shiny laptop birthday present after a week of playing with it. I still have to install MS Office, but there's no real rush. I'm writing in notebook atm instead.
Aaaaand, icons: I w00ted when I found that GateWorld had opened their own gallery and when a leeettle crazy saving pictures so there are quite a few stargate icons in this batch. You have been warned.
TV: Farscape, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis
Movies: Stargate: Ark of Truth, Stargate: Continuum, Stargate Movie
Females: Autumn Reeser, Blake Lively, Hayley Williams, Liv Tyler, Taylor Momsen
Comments are lovely and much appreciated
Credit is necessary
No hotlinking // No editing
Any requests that you have concerning this batch, please do so in a comment
001-006 Farscape
007-034 Stargate SG-1
035-042 Stargate Atlantis
043-045 Stargate: Ark of Truth
046-050 Stargate: Continuum
051-051 Stargate Movie
051-055 Autumn Reeser
056-060 Blake Lively
061-064 Hayley Williams
065-069 Liv Tyler
070-072 Taylor Momsen
*giggles at LJ cut* I watched that episode yesterday. That line made me laugh my arse off. It has now be re-attached, for those who want to know XP