May 06, 2007 10:02
In current not-so-overly-exciting news:
~ I am obssessed with music right now. Last Wednesday I spent half of my school day in the Music department, in fact, I spend more time there than I do anywhere else. I think this fact is trying to hint something to me.
On Thursday I went to the Vic Uni open evening, and sat through an entire talk about degrees in the Arts. They presented things in order of interest (apparently), i.e. Education and Law first. Music was last, and before the presentaion about three quarters of the audience stood up noisily and left. It was quite offensive.
They have noooooo idea.
Plus: I love my Barbershop quartet!!! ^^ YAAAAAAAYY~~
~ I love Gravitation too. :3
~ All hail musical compositions about PEANUTBUTTER SANDWICHES. Sarita, damn you. : P At the moment, it is in 7/4 time, OMIGOSH. "Pea-nut-but-ter-sand-wich-DUM Pea-nut-but-ter-sand-wich-DUM."
~ I feel like I've lost a friend, or our bond's slipped a bit, or things have move on, but it's SO HARD TO TELL when she lives on the other side of the world, and I believe that she is like my soul-mate but I don't know what SHE thinks, and as I often do, I have within a minute begun to rant and WUT HAV I BEEN REPLACED WITH?! D:
~ Sorry.