Музыка холодной войны

Jul 09, 2011 10:44

Когда-то уже порядком давно раскопал я в недрах сети сборник западной музыки 50х-6х гг. 20 в. на тему ядерной войны, и "красной угрозы". Помимо музыки в сборнике присутствуют объявления служб гражданской обороны и т.п. вкусные вещи для любителей тематики. Кому интересно, скачать можно тут.

Одна песня из этого сборника притягивает меня особенно - это песня американского барда Марти Роббинса, которая, насколько мне известно, должна была выйти в 1966-м году, но Columbia Records отказалась ее выпускать из-за откровенно ультра правого политического подтекста песни. В итоге она вышла только в каком-то сборнике где-то в 90-х, кажется.

Есть нечто притягательно абсурдное в сочетании текста, призывающего молодежь воевать во Вьетнаме, и позитивного стиля кантри. Сразу приходят на ум ассоциации с Гитлером, Геббельсом, фильмом Die Welle на худой конец. "На войну с радостью!" - чудовищно обманчивый лозунг, действующий на тех, кто никогда не воевал, и даже и некоторых бывших солдат тоже.

Ain't I Right: Marty Robbins [1966]

You came down to this southern town last summer
To show the folks a brand new way of life
But all you've shown the folks around here is trouble
And you've only added misery to their strife
Your concern is not to help the people
And I'll say again, though it's been often said
Your concern is just to bring discomfort, my friend
And your policy is just a little red

Refrain: Now, ain't I right (ain't he right)
(ain't he right)

It matters not to you how people suffer
And should they, you'd consider that a gain
You bring a lot of trouble to the town and then you leave
That's part of your Communistic game
I detect a little Communism
I can see it in the things ya do
Communism, Socialism call it what you like
There's very little difference in the two


Your followers sometimes have been a bearded, bathless bunch
There's even been a minister or two
A priest, a nun, a rabbi and an educated man
Have listened and been taken in by you
Aw, the country's full of two-faced politicians
Who encourage you with words that go like this
Burn your draft card if you like, it's good to disagree
That's a get aquainted Communistic kiss


One politician said it would be nice to send some blood
And help the enemy in Vietnam
That's what he says, here's what I say, let's just keep the blood
Instead let's send that politician man
Let's rid the country of the politicians,
Who coddle tramps that march out in our streets
Protesting those who wanna fight for freedom, my friend
This kind of leader makes our country weak


Let's look and find the strong and able leaders
It's time we found just how our neighbors stand
If we're to win this war with Communism
Let's fight it here as well as Vietnam
Let's rise as one and meet our obligations
So Communistic boots will never trod
Across the fields of freedom that were given to us
With the blessing of our great almighty God
Across the fields of freedom that were given to us
With the blessing of our great almighty God

люди, музыка

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