Mar 28, 2010 19:30
ok, more genderfuck tales from the library. once more a little kid thought i was a guy, details not needed since this is a *common* occurrence. anyway first the main genderfuck moment which while it didn't happen to me, happened to someone else. as i was shelving i heard Kevin, a co-worker tell a lady "oh by the way she was a woman." so i went over and asked 'what the hell was that about?' so apparently this woman came over to tell Kevin that a man had gone into the women's bathroom (ps the bathrooms in the library are single stall door lock types). so Kevin waited until the person came out and immediately observed that this person was in fact a woman with short hair. thus he was telling the woman this. now to make it funnier Kevin has really long hair in a ponytail. so the two of us then had a little moment of non-traditional hair solidarity.
and now the saddest part, the epic epic epic genderFAIL that i witnessed. I was shelving in the kids section and i overheard a woman reading a book to her daughter, which upon hearing the title made me feel like being ill. SO, to start at the beginning, i stumbled on this book while shelving called "How to get me the bride". it is as cis /hetero-normative you can get. it is all about how to plan your wedding and who you can marry, there's even a line that goes 'don't marry someone too tall or he won't fit in your house, don't marry someone too short or you will squish him.' it paints this blissful fake picture of marriage for the girls who read it, cause it ain't marketed at boys, the cover's pink. if you want to feel sick, check it out on amazon, it has the first couple of pages. also there you can find the author is also the author of a jesus story book. vomit. i was horrified that a modern looking woman would read this to her kid. way to enforce gender stereotypes, fake ideas about marriage (it says something like 'live happily ever after' at the end), and just general ick. i admit the author does seem a bit open minded about who you can marry, but it even says really sick shit like 'your daddy or your teacher.' amusingly one of the negative reviews on amazon was from this christian lady ranting about how liberal the book was with values, and i had the exact opposite reaction. moronic lady didn't realize how values enforcing the book really is. sigh. anyway i should have gone over and told the woman who was reading it to her daughter to stop, but i didn't have the guts. maybe i'll snag the book and dump coffee on it. or it'll get lost in transit while we are moving library to its temp location.
stupid humans,