
Aug 27, 2009 22:18

-> http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53327 <- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHA. hahahaha. haha heh oh. phew. ha. So funny.

I am so glad I found that.

It is making me smile.

And. depressed again.
Feel like everyone hates me.
Probably because the only people I've been around the last few days have been family.
I. Want. To. Go. Back. To. School.

And I wish my scanner fucking worked because fuckin' a. I have pictures to scan.

AND I wish this person would get back to me about this job.

Soy. Making you gay.
OMFG it explains EVERYTHING.

gay, soy, is because of soy, gaaaay

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