Feb 15, 2005 23:25
if you are reading this, you now know that i am in israel. i am somewhat stiked, but want to stay home at the same time. I get to see tal, that israely* cool. My israel cell fone number is (052) 525-5085, gimme a call, itll only cost like 45$ (and that israel* cheap). Band information: 2 upcoming shows. March 25th at Kirkland Teen Center; and probly April 2nd and the venue is to be determined (its a AIDS/HIV BENEFIT SHOW, put on by jenna zwang of "Henna Productions" (www.hennaproductions.freeservers.com)). I expect all of you to come to ATLEAST one, please!!! we need your support (that means your gonna have to get off your lazy ass and come to the show, if your a nice person maybe ill pay for your ticket. i cant wait to be back home. leave me a challah* (holler, for all you goyim). ill be back the 28th and ill be awake probly by the 30th. as for now i gotta go put new guitar strings on my guitar so i can write some tunes in israel. llamaloch? Ani rotzeh tapuakh v'likfotz akshav. peace