House on Daisy Hill - Continued

Nov 20, 2004 22:24

Alrighty then, I guess I'm going to post the next segment of my screenplay. I don't know if anyone other than Nessa is actually reading it... but oh well. Nessa alone is a good enough reason to post it anyway. ^_^

Okay, you can find the first parts of my story here:
And here:

In the first scene and the start of the second scene, we meet John, Sue, and a young boy with a pile of feathers. We also just meet Dianne. We are introduced to the house, which is as messy as my bedroom, (even my bedroom was covered in feathers at one stage when my rats ate right through my doona - and I have an inkling that it influenced the dream that this screenplay is based on in a large way.)

Anyway, the rest of the second scene is more about Dianne! Whoo! Dianne's a five year old girl trapped in the body of a fifty year old woman. She was fun to write, I'll tell you that. It also introduces their situation a bit more.

John walks into Dianne’s arms and gives her a polite hug as Dianne throws her arms around him.

Hello, mother.

Johnny, I’ve missed you! How have you been?

John steps back from the embrace, but his hands remain on Dianne’s shoulders as he looks down on Dianne affectionately.

I’ve been fine, mother. But I’ve heard you’ve been causing some trouble for Sue.

Oh, Sue, poo. She’s just a big bossy-boots, and never happy. Don’t worry about her, though, we have so much to catch up on!

The boy smiles when Dianne says “poo”

It’s good to be home.

John sits on the couch.

Oh, good. I was worried about that, since Sue’s leaving I’m going to need someone to look after me, I was worried if you’re not going to be happy to be here then you’d leave too, then I’d have nobody to take care of me.

John’s smile becomes strained and forced as he looks towards Sue. The boy looks on curiously.

Oh, Sue’s leaving, is she?

Oh yes, tomorrow morning. She said... She said she hated this house and she hated me, and that she hopes I rot in hell. But I can’t look after this place by myself, so after she calmed down she said she’d call you and see if you’d come over to live with me.

Oh... I see.

Mother, why don’t you have that bath now? In water instead of wine, this time.

See what I mean? Always bossing me around!

Mother, now!

Oh, fine.

As Dianne leaves, she picks up the bottle of wine that Sue put down earlier.

Mother, no more drinking.

Dianne rolls her eyes and puts the wine down, and leaves the room. As soon as she does, John loses his polite smile.

You’re leaving me alone with her?!

John, I’ve been looking after mother for five years while you’ve been leaving me alone with her! You have no idea what I’ve had to put up with from mother and that little brat of hers! Meanwhile, you’ve been out having fun with your friends and having a career, something I’ve been dying to do. This house is driving me crazy, and I’m not putting up with it any longer! It’s your turn now, your turn to look after mother and stop the roof from falling on her head, before I make the roof fall on her head myself!

The boy continues to watch and listen with interest.

Stay for one week, please?

No. I’m going to start packing now.

Sue leaves the room. John sighs as he falls on the couch (which is covered in clothes) and looks towards the boy, who quickly hides his face in his feathers.
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