My earholes are getting bigger...

Oct 19, 2005 18:46

So yeah... I'm pretty sure that I'm stretching out my earholes. Not like piecing/gauging or anything, but the actually hole that the sound goes in and shit. "How is that happening?" Good question. I'm glad you asked. I have these little ear bud type head phones that tori got me for my birthday this summer, and I didn't really get the chance to use them much seeing as how I was always in my car, and I would listen to my music there. Now that I DONT HAVE MY FUCKING CAR, and i walk pretty much everywhere I use the headphone just about constantly... even when I sleep. One wouldn't think that a little piece of rubber would stretch out someone's ear hole, but after time apparently it does. I don't mind much though, I love the headphones and I dont see myself stop wearing them unless it causes serious heath problems.
Speaking of heath problems... here's a funny little thing some might like to know. Our pledge class here in the house is sanding and repainting pretty much all the doors in the house. For those of you who have ever actually sanded a door by hand, you know how much work that is. And for those of you who dont... ITS A BITCH. It's cool though, i actually enjoy doing it for the most part. But the one thing that we all didn't think about is the age of the paint on the doors... because were sanding off old paint, essentially turning it into dust... and know what old paint contains? LEAD! yay, so we have all been breathing in shit tons of lead paint dust. Which is you know... pretty fun. Not to mention the gooey blue goobers that come out of my nose. hehe!
Ok. so... cut the crap... what do i really have to write about this week... you know... for CLASS. I'm going to share a little bit of knowlege, that I wish I would have known, for my friends that are still in high school. 1. Try to do well now while it's still easy. When in high school you can study for maybe half an hour and ace a test, it takes hours and hours of studying to maybe, MAYBE get an A. There have been too many times to count that I have heard from people that the class average for a test that they have just takes in 50-60% It's nuts... really. Spend the extra few minutes out of your day... maybe when you're doing absolutely shit in study hall, and just fucking study. 2. Enjoy having classes right next to each other while you can, yeah, its nice getting to walk to different buildings for class... like the first few weeks... after that it just gets annoying. Especially in the cold. I fucking hate cold weather. damn iowa. 3. Take all the college credit courses you can get... especially if they are easy. Son of a bitch. What I wouldn't give to have some extra credits to make life easier. It's not even the money factor. People are always like "take some classes to save money." Fuck that. The more credits you have, the less credits you have to take. The less classes you have to take the easier college is, and its much better to have college be easy than high school. Trust me, writing papers last minute on a sunday with a hangover sucks balls. And for any of you who are thinking about graduating early... as awesome as it sounds... dont do it. Fill up your last semester with college credit. College will come soon enough, but unless you are planning on actually starting school a semester early, being at home, and not in school is going to suck even worse than if you would have finished the year out.
I'm sorry for going on such a rant, but this is information that I would kill to have known last year. And you can all be sitting there saying yeah yeah devin... fuck off. I've heard this one million times, why should I listen to you? Cause I was the person that would have said that last year, and I'm really hoping that all of you that read it actually take it into consideration. Guys I'm not kidding when I say college will come soon enough, and yeah, it's great when you get here. But enjoy where you are right now too. You learn so much when you get here. Class wise, and about yourself as well. But i really think that to get the full benefit out of what you learn here you need to make to most out of what you do before you get here. I wish I would have.
So yeah... to end this on a lighter note... Try something. Some morning just tell yourself that today is going to be the greatest day in the world. And really try to make it that way. Act as if everything that you're doing is the funnest thing you've ever done, and you'd be surpised at how it actually turns out. I know it sounds gay, but I did it on accident monday, and it was honestly the happiest day of my life.
Good night everyone.
much love
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