The anticipation is over, it's finally here. You can now read all about the adventurous The Life and Times of D-Diddy. It all begins right here. As a close and personal bedmate of the infamous D-Diddy, I can promise adventure, scandal and piracy. He'll make you laugh, he'll make you cry, he'll make you do naughty things to yourself when you're home alone in your the dark, where you think no one is watching.
Through the marriage of fact and fiction, he will bring to you a world that you, neither in the realms of your everyday life nor in your deepest darkest dreams, have ever been able to fathom or ever will be able to experience in your humble existence.
For here he brings forward stories the meek will cling to, live and die for. Stories that will bring the strong to their knees.
His wit...infallable. His tongue...temerarious. His attitude...grandiloquent.
So please, turn off all cell phones and instant messengers, grab some popcorn and sit back, relax and enjoy the Life and Times of D-Diddy.
Good-night and may the Deity of your choice Bless You,