Chapter Twelve: Goodbye

Jul 05, 2008 17:10

Smile, even if your in the deepest pain...

It all happened so fast. Jane bent her head to mine and her teeth barley grazed across my neck. I shrieked. Emmett flew into Aro, knocking him over. Rosalie and Alice began to 'punish' Jane, as Jasper didn't even bother calming the mood. Esme rushed upstairs for Edward, while Carlislie brought me into the family room. I groaned. Yup. I was dying. I could feel it. Bye Charlie. Bye Renee and Phil. Bye Angela, Ben, Mike, Jess. Bye Jacob. Bye clumsiness. Bye Forks. Bye Carlislie. Bye Alice. Bye Rosalie. Bye Jasper. Bye Emmett. Bye Esme. Goodbye Edward.

The last one was hardest to say. I could still hear them fighting for me. Again. I could still feel Jasper calming down. I could still feel the tears running down my cheeks. I could still feel the several pairs of cold hands on me. I could still feel the claustrophobia creeping upon me. I could still feel the vibrating of my cell phone in my back pocket. I could still hear the cries of my family, even though not all of them were by me. I could still see Edward's face, even thought my eyes were clearly closed. I could still feel the pain, which had been inflicted upon me. I could still hear the people calling my name- though I had no air to speak. I could still feel the ring on my left index finger, indicating that soon, I would be a Cullen. I would be a vampire. I could still feel it. I could still hear my heartbeat slowing. Most likely to come to a stop any second. I could feel something running through my veins, though I was to weak to know what it was. I could hear the slamming of the doors, accelerating of cars, and the sound of both glass and wood, snapping, shattering, breaking.

So here I am, sitting on the white living room floor, staining with salt water. I could feel the arms of my angel, keeping me close to him. He was yelling something, but I was to dazed to hear. My eyes remained closed. My breathing slowed. I could hear the orders of Carlislie, barley, telling him to take me upstairs. I was guessing he said that so I could die in peace. As Edward took my slowly upstairs, my hand found my neck. It was burning, on fire, and I couldn't help but scream and cry louder. I thrashed, as he set me gently on the bed. I couldn't take this. Dying was supposed to be quick and easy, not this painful. I always wanted to die old and slow. In my sleep. I was still crying. Was I going to ever run out of water?

Edward was still soothing me, I think. Telling me to calm down. I would be okay. But he didn't help much. He was saying this all through tears. I was shedding so much water. My tears, the sweat I was bringing from the fire. And my mouth wouldn't close. It remained opened the whole time. Either I was whimpering, whining, yelling, screaming, cursing, or just plain out making noise, to make noise. It was open. I promised myself that when I reached heaven, or hell, depending on where I was going. I would watch over my friends and family. Especially Edward. Even as a spirit I wouldn't leave him alone. I wonder if I ever get annoying.

I bet he would follow me. Killing himself, to be with me. I would hate that. He wouldn't deserve to die, just because I did. I cried harder at that. I caused his family so much pain. It wasn't even close to fair. Not the slightest bit. My heart beat was breaking. Slowly. But falling. It was really fast when all of this started. I hope it doesn't end. I don't want to die. I don't want to leave this amazing world. No matter how much I thought I hated it, I don't. Please don't take me off of this Earth. I don't want to leave. I love everything about it. The people, the adventure, the drama, everything. Don't take me away. Take away the people that did this to me. If it even was a person. Who did this to me? I don't remember. See. I am dying. My mind is going faster then my heart. Oh. This is terrible. Stop it. Don't take me away. Please. I'm begging you. I need to stay here. I can't leave. I can't cause Edward's family anymore pain. I already caused them enough for being engaged to their son. Don't make me die for the terrible things I've done to them, please. I'll stop. I'll stop. I then drifted off to sleep,still saying, I'll stop.

“Bella?” His expression was tortured.

“Hey Jacob.” I paused. “What's the matter?”

“Your a bloodsucker, aren't you?” He backed away from me.

“No! I swear I'm not Jacob. Not for three months and 3 days. I think.. Something around there.”

“Bella-” He reached out his hand, and touched my cheek. He staggered back, his face rigid. “You are one. Your freezing. Your cold. Your dead. Your immortal. Your not human, Bella. Your a vampire.”

“No- Jacob, I can't be, you silly goose! Edward and I had an agreement. He wouldn't bite me until I married him. It isn't past August 13, right?”

“No. It's only.. June.”

“See. I'm not a vampire. Your imagining this.”

“Bella. I don't think Edward bit you.”

“Nobody else would.” I reached for his hand.

“Don't touch me you parasite.”

His words cut me open. I heard a sharp intake of breath. Was that mine? I walked forward, to him again, and he kept walking away from me. I called his name again. Sudden;y, where Jacob used to be standing, was replaced by his wolf form. It ran. “I-Goodbye Jacob.” I murmured. It was no use. The wolf was gone. Jacob. My friend was gone. My Jacob was gone. My hands fell limp to my side,and I sunk to the floor.

“It's okay Bella.” A familiar voice assured me.

“No Rosalie. It isn't.”

“It's just a dog-”

“That dog was my best friend since I was a baby, Rose.”

“He doesn't except you for what you are now.”

“I don't think anyone will.”

“So what kind of friend are they?”

“Ones who trusted me. Ones who would probably be terrified of me now!”

“It's what you are Bella. What do you want me to do about it?”

“Nothing! I wish none of them did anything. Why did I come to Forks?”

“To make your mom happy again.”

“Now I can't be! I can't see anyone again. EVER!”

“Bella, you have Edward for eternity.”

“Well Rosalie, that's all I have now.”

“That is true! You have a family who loves you. Even if you were a werewolf, we would love you. Because we are true friends Bella.”

“Yeah. Jess would make gossip out of this anyways.”


“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out on you.”

“It's okay Bella. It was difficult for me to.”

“I'm sure. You were like-”

“Let's not bring it up.”


“Again. It's okay.”

“We should get home now.”


Rosalie and I were off, running swiftly through the woods.

“Rose!” I yelled.


“Where'd Alice go?”

“She already left.”

“Oh. What about Edward?”

“I'm not sure where he is.”

“We need to find him. That's why I'm a vampire, remember?”

“No Bella. Your a vampire because Jane bit you because you refused to go with her.”

“With good reason.”

“I'm not saying it's a bad thing.” Rosalie paused.

“I know.”

“You are the best sister ever,Bella. Don't tell Alice.”

I laughed.

That's when my eyes fluttered open.


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