Darkened Sky (Chapter Four:Intimidation)

Jun 07, 2008 21:59

It's time to wake up and smell the coffee......

I awoke to the sound of an angel. The sound of not any old angel, but my angel. “Bella, love, please wake up.” I felt Edward lightly shaking me. “Bella.”

“No. Still Tired. Go Away.”

He chuckled, “Silly Girl.” He swooped down next to me and tilted my chin up. “Bella- do you want to open you eyes?” He asked.

“Not really.”

“Why not?

“Because I know your face is right there, and you will dazzle me.”

I could tell he was trying to compress his laughter, “Does this dazzle you?” He asked as his lips found my throat, he slowly dragged his lips up, to the point of my chin, and back down to the side of my shoulder.

I couldn't help it, I giggled, “Yes Edward. That dazzles me. Everything about you dazzles me. Your voice dazzles me. When I didn't even know you, you dazzled me.”

He smiled against my skin, “Good.” I sighed. “Now Bella?”


“Can you do something for me?” His lips stopped at the corner of my mouth.


“Can you get up so we can go intimidate Tanya?”



His lips found my then.

He did it again. He dazzled me into getting up. I really need to learn how to do that.

After a few minutes, he pulled away, “I'll meet you downstairs, love.” I was left breathless to change. I rubbed my eyes, “Get up Bella.” I heard him yell from outside the closed door. I groaned, but stood up, slowly, not wanting to trip and fall. I went into my bag and searched for something to ware. Man- Alice packed practically my whole wardrobe! I selected a nice pair of jeans and a white spaghetti strapped shirt. It was June, which meant summer, so I didn't want to be to warm. Even if I did get too warm, I can just go snuggle close to Edward and I'd be colder then ever.

I got changed swiftly before clumsily stomping (to prove I was up) into the bathroom to brush my hair and my teeth. It took a while to unknit my hair from it's knots. I glanced at the clock placed in the hallway on the way out. 6:59. Tanya was supposed to arrive in exactly one minutes.

“Go up there with Bella, and wait a few minutes before coming down with her, okay? It'll tick Tanya off!” Alice ordered confidently before shoving Edward upstairs. I was leaning against the railing of the stairs. “New shirt?”

“I only have one, and it's burning today, so..yeah.”

He shrugged as three soft 'bangs' echoed through the house. “Show time.” Edward whispered in my ear.

We heard the soft greetings as the rest of the family wandered into the living room. “We should enter in a few more minutes, love.”

“How should we enter?”


Good, That seemed to make us both ponder.

“Definitely laughing.”

“And clumsily?”

“Perfect.” He grinned, a wicked grin.

“So where's Edward?” Tanya questioned rather loudly.


“That's our cue.” Edward muttered, grabbing my hand. “Say something funny..” He whispered.

“What- I- uh- um- I'm going to kick Emmett's scrawny little butt today if he says something to me?”

He began laughing, and I couldn't help it, I joined in too.

I was trying to be clumsy, and it worked better then I excepted, because on the last step, clearly seen to the living room, I tripped and feel into Edward's arms, an added bonus. Tanya looked as if she was going to be sick.

“Morning Bella, Edward. Nice to know that you two are finally-”

“Enough Alice.” Edward hissed. I bit my lip to stop laughing.

“Edward!” Tanya batted her eyes, and tossed her strawberry blonde hair over a shoulder. She got up and gave him a quick hug before scrutinizing me. “Who is this?” She asked.

“Um, I'm Bella.” I smiled, offering my hand, which she took, shaking so hard, I thought it was going to fall off. Rosalie winked.

“Um, how do you know the Cullen's?”

“Well- I'm-”

“She's my fiancée.” Edward interjected. Tanya's jaw dropped. “Is she a-”

“Not yet.”

“Then how-”

“It's a long story.”

I flipped my hair over my right shoulder because it was farthest away from Edward.

“Oh. Well, Nice to meet you then, Bella.” She looked as if she was going to hit me, her eyes boring into mine. She hardly meant it. Esme and Carlislie exchanged glances with each other and Rosalie, while Emmett squeezed her hand. I'm surprised that didn't hurt- even for a vampire. Alice and Jasper nodded swiftly to Carlislie and Rosalie before turning their attention back to Edward, Tanya, and I.

“What have you been up to, Tanya?” Edward asked cautiously.

“Nothing much, actually.”

“Really? That's surprising.”

“How so?

“Well,” Edward's hands wrapped around my waist, and I heard Emmett smuggle in a laugh.


“Haven't you found anyone you want to be with yet?”

“Hm. No.”



The plan was working. She was getting mad. You could almost hear the anger in her eyes. I felt strangely good, I know most people envy me because I was dating Edward. But nothing compared to this. I was going to get Tanya. I was going to destroy her. Unless She destroys me first. I cringed at the thought. No- I wasn't going to let her do that.

“You okay, love?”

I shook me head to focus back in reality, “What? Oh yeah.. Sorry. I was just daydreaming.” I looked up at him and bit my lip for emphasis. Alice giggled.

“What's with the laughing?” Tanya turned around.

“Oh sorry- Carlislie just- um- stumbled and it was pretty funny.” Esme whispered.

Alice moved her hand in a forward motion to me. She mouthed something. I cocked my head, “What?” I mouthed. Rosalie rolled her eyes and grabbed Emmett's shirt pulling him to her, she kissed him fully on the mouth. Esme's eyes widened and she coughed. “OH! Kiss!?” I mouthed to Alice. She nodded, as the couple broke apart. I silently laughed at Emmett's face. I looked up to Edward then. I stood on the tip of my toes to reach his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. He seemed startled at first, but then recognized what I was doing. He kissed me back. I smiled and weaved my hands into his messy, bronze hair, securing my face to his.

Alice laughed loudly, making Tanya turn around to see what was so funny. A high-pitched shriek rang through the house .Edward and I broke apart- I groaned. “What is going on?”


“Yeah. That's what couples do.”


“Is there a problem, Tanya?”

She said nothing more, she shook her head. “No.”

“Okay then.”

“Tanya, dear, would you like anything?” Esme asked, standing up.

The answer was clear in her eyes- 'Yes Esme, For the Mortal To DIE!' But that's not what she said, “No thanks...”

“Alright.” She walked off into the kitchen.

“If you excuse me, I have to go do some research for a surgery I must preform in a few days.” Carlislie explained, waltzing up the stairs.

“Rosalie- Can you help me fix my car?” Emmett asked.

“Sure, Babe.” Rosalie and Emmett got up and walked to the garage. Yeah- They weren't going to be fixing a car.


“Yes Alice?”

“Um- Do you need anything?”

“Actually- I would love to just go upstairs and relax.”

“Good plan.” Alice kissed him lightly, before running upstairs with Jasper.

When was this part of the plan?

Hm. I looked up to Edward.

“Edward?” I asked innocently.

“Yes, love?”

“Can you play the piano for me?”


As we walked over to the baby grand piano, I threw Tanya a 'how about that' look over my shoulder. Edward prepared his hands as I sat down next to him on the piano bench. Only room for two, Tanya, sorry. I thought. He began to play an unrecognizable song. I sighed. He was so brilliant at the piano. Every time he'd play, it would still blow me away. He was amazing. He was perfect. Far to good at everything. Yes, I mean everything.


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