But I wash everyday! I feel icky if I don't take a shower once a day! EVERYDAY!

Nov 22, 2007 15:19

Doesn't make sense to me, but there were some questions such as "Oh god, please don't (Fill in the blank)!" And answered them with a dirty reply...*wink nudge*

But, hey, least I'm somewhat similar to Plato?

Your SaniTest(TM) Results

Your score is: 124

For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 6.81 Your score suggests that you are what's known as 'bughouse.' That's a colloquial term for madness from a time when people who thought they were crawling with bugs were often correct. In these more hygienic times, it indicates a potentially serious problem. Others who scored at this level include pop star Michael Jackson and Greek philosopher Plato.

I RETOOK the test this time, as I'm sure either the SANItest is INSANE in it's own rights, or I messed up on some questions.

THIS makes more sense now XD
Your SaniTest(TM) Results

Your score is: 119

For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 6.43 Your SaniTest(TM) score indicates that you are utterly haywire. Your neural circuitry seems to be badly misfiring, with frightening and/or hilarious effects. You may find yourself capable of superhuman strength as a side effect, but don't count on it. Others who scored at this level include entertainer Wayne Newton and skateboarding legend Tony Hawk.

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