It's the little things

Jun 12, 2007 10:11

another eco-tip

One of the simplest things I have done to help the environment is to use cloth napkins.  I bought a bunch very cheaply while working at Crate & Barrel and then got more as wedding gifts however, if you can sew at all, they may be the easiest sewing project ever.  Plus, your guest always feel special when they see fabric napkins.  I have had friends over on a whim for a BBQ or a quick dinner and they thought I was being "fancy" due to cloth napkins.

When Tim and I bought our condo, his mother gave us a basket of household goods, one of them being a big package of napkins.  30% of that package from 4 years ago still remains.  By my calculations Tim and I have saved approximately 3000 paper napkins.  Not only have we saved paper, but also $$$!  Recently I have extended this by bringing a napkin into work.

Yes, you do need to wash them, but not as often as you'd think.  Very often, I have found... I don't really need a napkin.  I don't think I'm an extraordinarily tidy eater (actually quite the opposite very often) but unless you're having BBQ Ribs or some other messy finger food, the food should only touch the inside of your mouth!  I've also found that tossing a napkin or 2 into my laundry now and then really doesn't create another load.

Yes, this is a small impact.  It's one of those little things that once you start doing it, you won't even think about it and all the small impact add up to big impact.


Here's another tip from my sister Sandy.  If you don't have enough food to fill your fridge, keep a gallon bottle of water in the back.  When you open your refrigerator door, there will be less cool air to move out into your home, and therefore less warm air to cool when you close the door again.  The water helps moderate the temperature of your refrigerator.
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