Q&A Tidbits.

Feb 20, 2011 22:43

Tessa Stone, the author of Hanna is Not a Boy's Name, has done a couple of Q&A sessions on her Deviant Art where fans can chat with the cast (links are in Hanna's journal). It's not terribly consistent and some of the questions get stupid or repetitive, but it's usually pretty amusing. I'm picking out bits that are either useful and relevant to me playing Worth, or that make me laugh. Sometimes both.

Q. if you HAVE to choose [to fuck] absolutely ANYONE from HiNaBN who would you choose?
no squirming out of this question i hope.

Veser: Toni.
Toni: Ew.
Veser: WHAT.
Toni: I guess I'd choose Mister zombie but he's dead but he'd be a great platonic boyfriend, yes? Maybe Conrad.
Conrad: Wh-what?
Worth: EH. Is this like a ya gotta do someone in th' room or the world explodes kinda thing? Worst case scenario?
Hanna: I GUESS, I'm still squirming out of it.
Worth: Feh. Conrad cos he'd like it and he'd hate me for it.
Worth: HAHAHAHAH the reaction's totally worth it.


Hanna: ....RAINBOWS

Q: Heeeeeeey Conrad! Who is more tolerable, your vampire "mother" or Doc Worth, and why?

Conrad: UGH. Unfair question! Doc Worth...I guess, but christ don't tell him.
Hanna: Hahaha awww, so he's not THAT bad!!
Conrad: Only COMPARED to a woman who beat the shit out of me, knocked me in the balls and KILLED ME!!
Hanna: ...point.

Q: How many of your customers have you had to drag off to Doc Worth or is this a reeeeeeally rare case with Conny here?

Hanna: Yeah, I don't really drag people to Doc Worth. Ever. Conrad was a rare case, because let's face it. Doc Worth has no real people skills. You think I'M bad but JEEZ. Ffshsh.

Q: All: Favorite thing to do?

... : I like to read.
Hanna: Fight paranormal crime!! It is only SLIGHTLY better than eating your weight's worth!
Conrad: I like to sit at the ... computer? It has a lot to offer.
Hanna: Is it porn?
Conrad: N-no!! Gahh!

Q: dear all, pokemon or neopets?

Hanna: We all UNANIMOUSLY say Pokemon. In fact, nobody's allowed to cross me on this. Pokemon are the fucking shit!
Conrad: Wow, you're pretty passionate about this.
... : ....pokemon are pretty awesome.

Q: [a bunch of stuff, and:] ps, I think hanna is a boy's name, it's ok

Hanna: Hanna is totally a boy's name. I mean, I make it work right?
Conrad: ...not really.

Q: Have you had much contact with animals, and how do they react to your various... conditions?

Hanna: I love animals! I think dogs have err, a hard time being around me though, cats too actually. It sucks.
... : They seem to like me okay, and I enjoy them.
Hanna: Yeah, dogs love hm.
Conrad: Dogs try to chase me...

Q: Conrad, what is your middle name?

Conrad: Um, its Dillon.
Worth: HA! What a lame middle name.
Conrad: Yea well what's your FIRST, it sure as hell ain't doc.
Worth: Feh.

Q: Will you marry me :"D *isn't really serious*

Worth: Sure I hope yer ok with me cheating on you probably immediately.

Q: Hey Doc, how much would you sacrifice/risk to help/save Hanna?

Worth: Eh? N-nothin' man. I ain't like that.
Hanna: Whatever, doc!!

Q: Worth: How did you get into medicine? And further more, this unique way of administering it? Also, can you recall a single event which made you such a badass? Or were you just born with it?

Worth: I went to medschool then dropped out cos it was fuckin' stupid. Then I just did my own thing I guess. I dunno if I'm a badass I just am who I am, which is better than some yuppie pretendin'.

Q: Some mighty personal questions for my three favorite sirs.
Hanna, if you could make out with three people, real or otherwise, one right after the other, who would be first? Who would be last, and who would get stuck in the middle?
Conrad, Are you a virgin still? If so, why? If not, who was your first time with and how was it?
Doc Worth, Who is the hottest person you know, and what do you think about when you see them?

Hanna: UHHH. I really have no idea that is SO WEIRD.
Conrad: ... these ARE really personal are you allowed to ask these?
Worth: HAHAHA he can't answer cos he's embarrassed awwwwwwwww. Hmmm, hottest, hottest. I unno, there's a client I get she's pretty damn good looking. I think about how I'd like to do her when I see her, that's normal right?

Q: Doc Worth, Based on your medical experience, do Gingers have souls and does dying your hair red make you lose your soul?

Worth: Thas just weird.

Q: Doc: If you and House, MD had an epic battle, who would win?

Worth: I'm pretty sure we'd both rather pop pills than fight. Just sayin'.

Q: Worth, You mentioned college, what did you think and where did you go? How did Hanna find you? Do you consider yourself a paranormal doctor now?

Worth: Eh, I didn't care much fer it. It was a bunch of bull. Nah, I'm just what I am I guess, Hanna just drags a bunch of a paranormal oddities at my door. Feh.

Q: Doc, when you first started out, did you WANT to be a doctor? or was it one of those "it runs in the family" sort of things?

Worth: Yea I kinna did. It wasn't really in th'family. My sis is a model.

Q: Doctor Worth: What's the most heroic doctor-y thing you've ever done? How keeeeeen for Conrad are you and are you going to use that pin to poke your finger and taunt Conrad with it?

Worth: Eh? I unno. I pulled a thorn outta some squirrel's paw or sumshit like that.
Hehehe, Connie's just funny. He's funny to torment and I will poke my finger and make him squirm cos he needs t'man up!

Q: Conrad, What is it like to be a bat? and does being a bat help you out with the lady-fear thing since a lot of girls are afraid of bats and stay away form them?
Doc Worth Have you ever used Conbat for animal testing?

Conrad: Pretty weird....and I'm not afraid of girls!!!
Worth: You totally are. I haven't yet but that is A GREAT IDEA.

Q: Doc Worth, Do you get any other patients besides Hanna visiting you?

Worth: Course I do, I'd be broke if I din't.

Q: Hanna: So, how exactly did you meet a guy like Doc Worth? And what think of him?

Hanna: Chance!! Luck, I guess. He was what I needed at the time, somehow. I like him! I think underneath all that grit and assholishness he's got a sparkle of a heart, like the grinch YANNO!
Worth: Nnghh. I'm not the grinch.
Hanna: You're pretty close.

Q: Do Worth and Hanna consider each other friends?
i shoved two questions together here

Worth: Sure, why not. I look after 'im, he does th' same fer me. That is if I needed it.
Hanna: YEA! Just kind of a weird one....

Q: Conrad: You should take me shopping. Seriously, how did you get such an awesome taste in fashion?
Doc Worth: SO UM- CAN I TRY ON THE COAT? And can we get married?

Conrad: Ah, just luck I guess. And s-sure.
Worth: It's cos e's a damn GIRL. Sure, jus' bring it back t'me, I like this one. I unno man, marriage is kinda...a commitment ain't it?

Q: I have a question for Conrad: Umm, I know you weren't exactly planning on doing the whole vampire thing, but is there anything you like about it? Like your favorite thing about being a vampire. Does your family know?

Conrad: I am kind of getting used to it. Not having to worry about weight is...kinda nice.
Worth: OHyersuch a girl.
Conrad: God why is it so HARD TO IGNORE YOU. My family doesn't know. I've purposefully failed to tell them.
Worth: GIRL.

Q: Dotdotdot, How do you feel about fans pairing you with hanna?

... : Pairing us, as in friendships? I find people attractive, most people are.
Hanna: ER, I think she means like ... romantically? S-sexually...
... : What?
Hanna: GOSH, I can't tell if you're pretending you don't understand this crap anymore or if you're serious. C-christ! SUBJECT CHANGE.
... : Alright.
Worth: I think he's just playin' stupid.
Worth: Sheesh, fine. Gotta be a jerk like that.
Hanna: OHlikeyerneverajerk.

Q: Doctor Worth: Are you gay?

Worth: What? Are YOU?
Q: Worth: You heard me, & noooo.
Worth: Pfeh.

I still don't know how to interpret that exchange....

Q: @Doc Worth: Surely you have other patients besides Hanna and crew. What kinds of people come to you for help?

Worth: Lots of strange ones now, some ya would rather not meet.

Q:I can't help but notice that your clinic is rather well hidden, there are no obvious signs or anything, just a door in an alley, and you have some pretty expensive medications, or so I hear... How the hell do you manage to stay in business?

Worth: I get reliable clients that pay me through th' nose t'keep quiet and be convenient. Ya only need a few.

Q: Ples: If it's not too awkward to ask, which guy in the group are you most attracted to?

Ples: Nnnn? Err. I...I think I shall plead the fifth.
Worth: HEHEH, it can't be Connie cos he is an ugly bitch.

Q: Doc Worth: What's in an epi-pen?

Worth: Magical fairy dust.

Q: Worth: vampire types keep telling Hannah that he stinks like a dead animal, and not even considering that it might be the undead chap standing several feet away. is that out of politeness, or does "..." really not smell?

Worth: He's just kinda dusty. Musty. Like an' old room that's been shut fer ages. Hanna I guess smells like a carcass I unno. I ain't a vamp I can't smell 'em. Maybe he smells like total shit. I'll have to ask Connie.

Q: Doc Worth: Do you ever have back problems from slouching? Also, how the heck old are you man.

Doc: I'm as old or young as ya care about I guess. Mebbe, s'what painkillers are for, yea?

Q: [blahblah wordy question about Conrad having a lot of fans, and basically bringing up fans slashing Conrad/Worth]

Conrad: /sigh/ D-do I have the most? I mean...I sorta didn't...I mean...but WORTH? I fffgghh. Do they realize he hasn't probably even SEEN a toothbrush in like a million years?
Worth: Aw, don't be daft, I gotta toothbrush. An' that one time I went over t'yer place to drop off blood I used yers!
Conrad: Gnfrk!
Worth: Heh. Worth it every time.

Q: Conrad: Would you have eaten Doc if Hanna hadn't stopped you ? And... are you ever planning to get around to eating someone ?
Doc: How ... did you even get into the treating-paranormal-injuries side of things ?

Conrad: I'm thinking no. I think once I got close to him I would have realized what a filthy, horrible man he was and lost my appetite. I imagine I'll eat ... something sometime.
Doc: God, yer a big sissy, Connie. Oh well, yanno. Hanna and I bumped into eachother and he needed someone t'be good at it, so I figured why not. I'll learn. Then he would bring me more freakshows like 'imself in.

Q: To Doc Worth: Would you mind explaining to me why you decided not to be a conventional Doctor?

Worth: Eh, it wasn't really my style. D'ya know how much school ya gotta do? All those insufferable twats ya gotta deal with? Mmmmn'thanks. I like my sitch.

Q: Dr Dick: D-d-d-deeper?

Worth: I will touch you I will touch you

I swear I didn't know this q/a existed when I picked this journal name XD

Q: Worth, when you see Conrad's tight pants, do you want to put them on?

Worth: Man, ya guys get real naughty about Conrad! He can wear tight pants cos he's got nothin' packin is all!

Q: To Dr. Worth, Do you get off on pain? If so, do you start fights or just run into traffic to see if you get hit?

Worth: I do, though bein' hit by a car is not very sexy if you get what I'm sayin'? Where's the precision, the twisted pleasure in an ACCIDENT?

Q: @ Worth Ever considered wearing a pimp hat to match that snazzy jacket?

Worth: Nah, that'd be /too much/ don't ya think?

Q: @Conrad, Doc and Hanna: If you found DocxConrad Yaoi fanfiction on the internet, what would you do?

Conrad: I....what? Doc...and...me?
Worth: AHHAHA is he my total bitch? He better be.
Conrad: WHAT! NO.
Worth: Ffft, what you sayin' hypothetically ya got th' balls ta be on top?
Conrad: I would...no. EW.
Hanna: Haha, this is hilarious. Also kinda gross, Doc and Conrad without their pants on. :\

Q: Doc Worth: What's the most dangerous surgery you've ever had to preform on the spot? How did it go?

Worth: It went great. Oh....yeaaah....it was a brain implant.

Q: Worth: What is it about Conrad that makes you pick on him so much? Jealousy? That you think he has potential?

Worth: JEALOUSY? FEH! HAHAHA. That's the funniest thing I heard all day. Hit me with another one.
Conrad: ...what an asshole.

Q: Conrad: Why don't you just bite Worth? He messes with you, so mess with him!

Conrad: Dude, I would have to TASTE him. Do you know how horrid that would be? UGHH.

Q: Worth: You and Abner in a fight. Could you take him?

Worth: COMPLETELY. Totally. Mysophobic dick.

Q: @Doc Worth - Just how back alley are you? Are you certified?

Worth: I am so back alley. I am not certified but I have someone's certification hanging on my wall. Good enough, right??

Q: to the good Doctor: what is your worst fear?

Worth: HA! Me? Fear? Pfft, are ya sure yer askin' the right guy?

Q: Worth: Is there any particular reason why you became a doctor?

Worth: Because doctors have immense amount of control and have an excuse to toss around sharp things, yea?

Q: What was your most treasured childhood toy?

Worth: Hahaha, are ya serious? Feh, most memorable anyways was onna them robotic kits ya could make yer own little piece o' shit contraptions and let them loose in the house. I thought I was big shit.

Q: Lamont: Do you get off on pain like Worth does, or do you just get in fights with him because it's satisfying as hell to punch him in the head? Worth: no, seriously, what do you do with your time apart from doctoring and drugs and drinking etc? secret knitting habit? origami out of cigarette boxes? concert pianist? B-movie marathons?

Lamont: It's pretty satisfying as hell to punch him in the head. I suggest you try it sometime.
Worth: Hahahahaha, what? Nah, no knitting. I just sit aroun' and cut people up and shit. And punch them.
Lamont: Heheheheheh.

ps. someone app lamont.

Q: Worth- What sort of childhood did you have?

Worth: Eh, a horrendously boring and pretentious one.

Q: Lamont- What led you to meet the Doc?

Lamont: I threw my baseball into his backyard and he is a major dick. One thing led to another and somehow we're both in our thirties and haven't murdered one another, hahaha.


Hanna: UP THE WHAT NOW????
Worth: So who's doin' who then? I sure hope I ain't nobody's bitch in these pictures.
Lamont: Heheheh, but it'd be SO FUNNY. I could print them out and put them all over your ceiling over your uh, well your cot. Your bed? Your spot on the floor.

Q: Cas & Finas: how did you meet each other? did you met when you two where alive or something? and how deep is your relationship?

Finas: Oh god, not this again.

It's a long-running joke in the Q&A for Casimiro to avoid answering this question by telling everyone he and Finas met in prison. It gets asked a lot. Damn I wish they had enough canon and background to be appable.

Q: Doc Worth: Are the pictures of the swimsuit model on your wall of your sister? And are you in any way protective of her in the usual older brother fashion?

Worth: ....NO. I would not have pictures of my sis up on my damn wall all half naked n' shit. What the hell! WHO DOES THAT.
Lamont: Heheheheheh, he is super protective.
Worth: Am not, jus' havin' yer sis half naked on yer wall is damn sick.
Lamont: Aw come on, chill out. She's really prett--
/Worth punches Lamont/

Q: Conrad: Are you gay for Robert Downey Jr?

Conrad: ...if I had to be gay for somebody RDJ is a pretty good choice.
Q: What do you mean "if"?
Conrad: >: |

Q: Worth: Natalie Portman, Christina Hendricks or Kim Kardashian?

Worth: All of them at once in bed with me. Haha, jus' kiddin'. I dunno, I actually only recognize Natalie Portman's name. I dun keep up with celebs.

Q: Hey Worth! Where did you get your furry coat?

Worth: Gyuh, I dunno. THE DUMPSTER maybe.
Lamont: Hahaha you know that actually may be the closest to the truth.

Another question that gets asked a lot. He's claimed before that a friend made it for him because he thought a labcoat with a fur collar would be awesome.

Q: To Conrad, Worth, and/or Ples: If you could play any instrument, what would it be? Or do you already play an instrument?

Conrad: I'd love to be able to play guitar, but can't.
Worth: EH. Nothin' fer me, thanks.
Ples: I actually already play the piano.
Worth: He's like a bad black and white movie all rolled into one weird ass guy.

Q: Doc Worth - Have you ever dissected anything and, if so, what was it?

Worth: Frogs. An earthworm. Lamont.
Lamont: Liar.

Q: If you guys ever had a movie made after the comic how would you feel about Andrew Volpe as Hanna Convoy as {...} and Hugh Laurie as Doc worth?

Hanna: ...SURE???
Lamont: Hugh Laurie is too good looking of a guy. No, no you'd definitely have to find somebody else.
Worth: Whatever, dick.

Q: Worth: Were you born awesome or is awesomness something you've developed over the years?

Worth: I think I was always awesome, but it matured wit' age.
Lamont: Like cheese, I guess.

Q: veser: How do you feel about the sad lack of Selkies in public media?

Veser: Ahhh, it's fine. We wouldn't want to become lame like vampires anyways.
Cas: Whatever, you guys are fuckin' seals. You're already lame.

Q: Worth: Where did you get all that FUR to sew onto your coats? It looks amazing!

Worth: Baby seals. Or Veser's family.
Veser: Aww, fuck off!!

Q: Lamont: When you were finally introduced as a member as the cast, did you expect the huge fan girl mob that developed over night?

Lamont: Did I get a huge fan girl mob? Wow, I wasn't aware, but I'm not complaining, no.
Worth: Slut.
Lamont: Hahahahehehh...

Q: Conrad: What else do you suck besides blood?

Worth: PFfffhehahahaha! Boy, lemme tell you what he sucks.
Conrad: ...................................................
Lamont: Hahaha, hey its okay Conrad. I mean, if you do. Nobody's judging.
Hanna: If you were gay...!
Conrad: All of you can go to hell.

Q: Lamont: Is your job a bit more delightfully illicit than most know? Considering the blush you got when Hanna asked about Adelaide, I'm a little suspicious.

Lamont: Suspicious? Hahahaha. I didn't really ... /blush/ did I?
Worth: Like a fag ye did.
Lamont: What? No. I mean, it's just Adelaide. She's got a way with people.
Worth: Ya mean 'men'.

Hanna's response was actually in response to being asked about the staples holding his chest together. But polar bears!

Q: Lamont: What's one thing Doc Worth doesn't want us to know about him?

Lamont: Hahahahahahahah, oh. This is a good one. Okay so Worth--
/Worth punches Lamont in the gut/
Worth: Oh, look he's winded now. You'll 'ave ta come back later.

Q: Doc Worth- What's your favorite surgery to preform?

Worth: Any kin' where the patient's still awake.
Lamont: Whatever, you're completely incapable of performing ANY surgery.

Q: Doc Worth: I've been having a pinchy-pain in my left shoulder for the past three weeks. What's wrong with me?

Worth: Yer lonely. Ya need some love right now, and I mean like the horizontal kind. It'll fix ya right up.
Lamont: Man, no. No.
Worth: What? Sex fixes everythin'. If not I recommend lots of alcohol or heavy painkillers. Or both, together.
Lamont: .....

Q: Doc Worth: If you could dance with Lady Gaga what song would you dance to and would you force Conrad to dance with you?

Worth: Excuse me, wat? I am not dancin' with Lady Gaga, that's much more up Conrad's alley.
Conrad: It is not.
Worth: Betcha do it every day in yer shower.
Conrad: At least it's a possibility because I DO shower.
Worth: PFEH.

Q: @ Lamont: whats it like working/dealing with Worth?
@Worth: does Hanna actually pay you? and if so what with?

Lamont: Well, it's kind of like working with a really bitchy and filthy stray dog that may or may not have rabies.
Worth: Haha! Funny, I was gonna say th' same thing about you, 'cept you're decently good at pretendin' you ain't got diseases.
Lamont: Hahahaha.
Worth: An 'bout Hanna. He does, with runes. Only thin' he has that's worth anything. 'Sides if I charged him money he'd not even be able to eat.
Lamont: ....awwwwwwwwwwww.
Worth: Gonna knock yer teeth out again, Mont.

Q: Hanna, if you had 1000 dollars, what would you do with it?

Hanna: ME? A thousand dollars? I guess I would I would err, probably start off by paying off my debts that I er...owe...?
Lamont: Yes. Yes you would.
Worth: Man, no shit, ya little brat.
Hanna: Heheheh......heh.

q&a sessions

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