Omg! A update!
So life has been filled to the brim lately ... with a lot of it being things that have kept me away from computers.
The Bahamas was really awesome. They opened a new hotel at Atlantis, along with some new water slides - and a mile long lazy river. And we're talking a LAZY river. You could get to the water slides from the lazy river - no need to even get out of your tube. And the water slides empty you back into the lazy river as well - I spent about 3 hours on the river without getting off. It was crazy awesome.
Also another highlight - the gambling. I had a lucky streak like whoa. I would put $20 in a nickel slot machine, and come away with $200. And we're talking that happened like 4 outta 6 nights. Blackjack - I played about 3-4 hours of it, spread over 3 nights. I put in $50 and walked away with $235. I walked away with a good chunk of change. Good enough to pay my bills, get me some books, and (sometime in the near future) a SLR camera. ^_^
Moving on...
How about Mother Fucking Asshole's blown save? It was awesome (for once)! Now he owes me about 30 more of those.
So far I'm 2-2 with Met's games - and I'm going to the game both Wed and Thurs. So this week shall be called "Booing Assholes Week" Those assholes include (but are not limited to): Barry Bonds, Mother Fucking Asshole, and a small smattering with reguards to Barry Zito.
Let the winning (for the Mets, while I'm in the stadium) begin. Please. I don't my wallet can handle the "old method" of making them win. Plus I have no more room in my drawers (haha).
Oh, a patient who used to work in the electronics industry, always gives
maryling gifts. His latest gift? A PS3. So now I have access to it, although it's been a lot more fun to watch her play Enchanted Arms. Man, Makoto is even listed as a "flaming transvestite" in the booklet he's so obviously gay, and the dance thing to raise your EP? Hilarious!