Oct 24, 2005 18:52
Death by Roleplaying ... it almost happened. Way too little sleep this weekend due to roleplaying, and I'm still paying for it. Oh well. Sadly I was able to drive home with no problem cause I spent the whole time driving home trying to think of how to keep my character from completely splitting up with the group forever. Although I'm at a loss as to if what I have planned will work -- and how all the other characters are going to play it so we stay together. ::shrugs:: I've sadly also been toying with trying to make another side character or something ... just to try something different. I'll see.
But roleplaying aside, I love my friends. It was awesome to just see them - and all in place at one time. I really miss being able to see more than one friend at one time, and not involving a ton of beforehand planning.
Also it's really random moments that I tend to remember and treasure. I was talking with my mom and I was telling her about this memory I have from a few years ago that always makes me smile. She doesn't even remember it at all. This is like the third time in the past two weeks I told someone about a happy memory I had involving them ... and they don't remember it much. Just goes to show you you never really know what other ppl treasure. Or that I'm just a weirdo - lol.