And some more !!!!!!!!! just for good measure.
I'm all squeeing instead of going to bed, cause I just got e-mail confirmation that I'm in for a craft fair! It's going to be Dec. 6 in Brooklyn. I doubt anyone on my f-list would even be able to attend, but hey if you want to make a trek to Brooklyn to buy my jewelry (even tho you could always buy direct and save $ on gas) here's the website:
PS 295 2nd Annual Craft Fair I'm all jazzed now. When I got the invite to be a vendor, I got so excited. Then I noticed it's on a Sat that I'm working. But while a part of my brain was going "bummer" another was just determined to actually somehow pull this off. So I somehow kinda convinced my Mom that she should take my stuff in the morning and man the booth. She's not 100% happy about it, but she's not trying to kill me over it either. She even went with me for a drive to see where in Brooklyn this place is. (I haven't really been to Brooklyn much - but the school were they are holding it is near the Botanical Gardens.) I'll have to find some cool gift/payment to give her.
I have so much to do before then - but at least I have a month to do it in. I have my calendar all set up with dated goals so that I'm not doing everything last minute. Cause last minute for something like this would be verrrryyyyy bad, and I'm determined to not let myself fall behind!