(no subject)

Nov 27, 2007 17:58

Over at wurds someone brought up a 'movement' called Primitivism to counter that artists aren't needed and are in fact, inhibiting society's growth. How are they doing that? They exist.

For those who are like me and never heard of this movement, let me define it as one of the main essay writers on the site defined it:
Primitivism is the pursuit of ways of life running counter to the development of technology, its alienating antecedents, and the ensemble of changes wrought by both.
Which doesn't sound that bad ... until to realize where these ppl want society to go - which is literally back to the time of the cavemen. They think that this way:
1. Art is superfluous, and an unnatural act. It's creation of something that separates people, belittles them, and causes an imagined gulf between them. Artists separate us by creating a language of 'symbolism' that is not easily understood, therefore it drives us apart; and then ironically they gain their fame by trying to bridge the gap they created.
2. Language should be abandoned. It only serves to do the same thing that art does - except it goes further and drives us to not truly listen with our whole selves to each other.
3. Technology - in all it's forms - is inherently evil, as it drives us away from our 'natural state.'

I'm sure there's more, but honesty? I had to stop reading before my head exploded.

Now here's my fucking rebuttal you fucktards:
1. If art is so superfluous as you make it out to be, then why do you go to the extent of putting pictures on your website? Further more, why even go to the extremes of making the website have nice colors? Why even have a layout at all?

2. If language should be tossed: Why are you writing essays on this topic? Ok, so you need to write essays to spread the ideas, but then why are the essays written in an academic tone? Why go to such lengths to present your ideas in such a way?

3. If technology is evil, why are you posting on the internet?

And now for the finale:

GET THE FUCK OFF MY INTERWEBS YOU HYPOCRITCAL BASTARDS. GO! IF YOU TRULY WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, YOU GO FIRST! I'LL PERSONALLY FIND YOU A CAVE TO GO CRAWL INTO! And be sure to say 'hi!' for me to all the totally 'enlightened' ppl living in caves (::cough cough:: Osama).

ok, edit: Alright, some of the essays aren't bad, hell some I kinda agree with. But the one on art and language *still* make me foam at the mouth after two paragraphs.

Best Quote of the Day (as seen on channel 4 news):
"Um, I don't want to sound racist or nothing, but.... but ... I don't want no ........ colored person to be president."

Umm, dipshit? You're don't just sound like one ... you are!

caves, primitivism, stupid ppl, racism, art, technology, language

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