Today there was an announcement on the Dplus Fanclub site.
Since I can access to it, I'm going to translate it. I don't know if I'm allowed to post the Japanese original, so I won't post it.
To all Dplus members,
Thank you for always supporting D-BOYS・D☆DATE warmly.
We will use this place here to give an important announcement to you.
Nakamura Yuichi who was on a break before will leave the activities of D-BOYS・D☆DATE and devote himself to medical treatment as of today, November 8th 2011.
Since the announcement of his break last year, he worked hard to be able to stand in front of everyone again, but he wasn't recovering as he expected until today.
We sincerely regret this, but we hope to get everyones' understanding.
From now on all the members and staff will still continue to devote themselves, so we are waiting for your warm support of Nakamura Yuichi・D-BOYS・D☆DATE.
November 2011
All staff of D-BOYS・D☆DATE
The fan mail address from now on:
東京都渋谷区神宮前(Tokyo-to, Shibuya-ku, Jingumae)4-2-12 WES
ワタナベエンターテインメント(Watanabe Entertainment) 「中村優一」宛(to Nakamura Yuichi)
I dunno if it's good news or not, but we still have to wait, I guess.
Since they posted the whole message on the D☆DATE page (sorry, I didn't look at it earlier), I'm gonna copy it to here now ;)
D-BOYS・D☆DATE スタッフ一同
東京都渋谷区神宮前4-2-12 WES
※「中村優一フォトブック Birth -Standing There-」の特典・イベントに関しては、詳細が決まり次第、中村優一オフィシャルサイトにてお知らせいただきます。ご応募いただきました皆様にはご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、何卒宜しくお願いいたします。
The part after the address tells us that his contents on the mobile site will be available until the end of this month. You can write into his guestbook until then.
For people who bought the photobook and sent in something for a handshake event/special present, there will be news about it sooner or later on his official site.
His monthly bromide will stop selling with the end of November. But his second charity bromide, which will go on sale on the 26th of this month, will be sold.