The primary male cast for the new “Hanazakari no Kimitachi e ~ Ikemen Paradise” drama series was made public on Thursday. Lead actress and AKB48 member Maeda Atsuko (19) will have Nakamura Aoi (20) and Miura Shohei (23) as the two other sides of the story’s love triangle, and at least 26 other young male actors will round out the cast.
This drama remake was announced by Fuji TV last month, with Maeda replacing Maki Horikita (22) from the original 2007 series. Nakamura and Miura are likewise taking over the roles that were played by Oguri Shun (28) and Ikuta Toma (26).
Newspapers have also reported Yamada Shintaro (24) and Sato Yuki (27) as cast members. Based on a poster image from the Sankei Sports newspaper, the rest of the cast seems to include:
(*Note: Most of these were visually identified and are still pending confirmation.)
- Kotani Shotaro
- Okazaki Kazuhiro
- Kawahara Kazuma
- Kurihara Goro
- Takami Ozora
- Asaka Kodai
- Kasai Shige
- Yamamoto Ryosuke
- Nishii Yukito
- Yanagishita Tomo
- Suzuki Katsuhiro
- Ando Ryu
- Miyajima Kusuto
- Matsushima Shota
- Mamiya Shotaro
- Okayama Tomoki
- Kanai Sonde
- Katoono Taiko
- Kiriyama Renn
- Mitsushima Shinnosuke
- Tokuyama Hidenori
- Horii Arata
- Maeda Gouki
I've read in
yanagishitomo that Tomo will play the role of Kayashima (the ghost boy).
I should be doing some school stuffs right now but ARGH Now I don't know what to feel about this "remake" >.<