(no subject)

Dec 30, 2008 12:27

People on the internet are too funny for me to handle on a daily basis. That is why I keep my browsing to a few manageable sites- Perez Hilton, StalkerNet (FB), Email, and BoingBoing. I figure that between those sites I can find something interesting without getting lost in the World Wide Webz.

Recently I found a great blog called Sorry I Missed Your Party (www.sorryimissedyourparty.com). This is so genius. Stealing from Flickr. Pictures of people getting wasted. It gives me a reason to live.

I always get momentarily pissed when I find awesome sites like this because I'm always like 'wtf, I could have done this and then I would be awesome'. It was kind of like when Jackass came out and my brother and I were like 'WTF, we do shit like this sometimes and why aren't we making money off from it?' Granted our stuff was way more low key (although some of the stuff on that show was low key and we would have gladly uped the ante if were getting paid) the logic is still the same. That is why I can't read the internet too much. I always get lost in to a world of 'coulda, shoulda, woulda'. And shit on the internet is so funny. People have way too much time on their hands and I shutter to think the progress that humans could make if they put that time and creativity to useful things like curing cancer or solving our global environmental crisis. Anyways, only one idea has been truly stolen from my head- pet peeves (peevepile.com). Only mine would have been a book about pet peeves. I also always wanted to do something with shitty vanity plates but I think that might be illegal. I HATE VANITY PLATES.

Anyways, check out the shit above; you will not regret it.
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