Today was a pretty good day. I had the first real sunny day that I have had in maybe 20-25 days. The weather here has been so shitty. I also got to go to Innsbruck and see some mountains.
This is not a mountain but rather an arch/entryway type thing. I thought it was cool. It was built for Maria Theresa and Kind Leopold. Unfortunatly I really don't know much about Austrian History/this arch thing nor do I really care to know so you will have to research this on Wiki yourself.
This is what the afore mentioned archway faces. Mountains. The mountains in Innsbruck are huge and we were just in the 'foothills' of the Alps. You have to go to Switzerland or Italy to see the 'mountains'. If you look closely towards the middle of the picture you will see a village on a small sub-mountain with the larger mountain dwarfing it. The picture may be too small though.
Another view of the mountains. If you look closely again you may be able to see little rows on the mountain that look like very organized rock formations. These are actually avalanche gates and keep the snow at bay.