Nov 03, 2005 13:14
well, my 2nd installment of good times with friends
it's short but sweet
1)Creating dirty sex positions verbally, you perverts, with Amanda in Lily’s sauna
2)Exploring Plaza Central with Bdub, and laughing at how bizarre it is
3)Stripping down and diving off the floating dock when it was closed with Shaun, Chad, and Shoquist
4)Creating multiple songs with the soon to be hit group Raisin Hell! With Shoquist, Bdub, and Walfy. As well as my endeavors with the SacTown Kings
5)Strangely enough playing probably the stupidest game ever invented with Brian, you ask what was that movie with, then give the title in the description. Then teaching Bitsy and Mary how to play it
6)Lightsaber tournament in 7th grade, I could beat everyone but she who was known as Darth Bitsy
more to come, when I get to it