листи з Канади

Nov 03, 2009 11:04

Сьогодні Марні надіслала лист:

Hello Tamwood Camp Staff: I hope you are well. I know that some of you are back at school and that some of you are working, what ever you are doing I hope that you are enjoying it. It's that time of the year again if you can believe it when I start to hire for the summer camp season. Tamwood is gearing up for another busy summer camp season and because you did such a great job last year we want you back! At this time I am looking to see who is interested in coming back to Tamwood for the summer of 2010. I know this may seem a bit early to be asking you if you want to come back for another fun summer, but Tamwood would be honored to have you back on the team. You have displayed great leadership and received positive reviews from campers and group leaders. Attached you will find an application form titled Retuning Staff Application Form. Please take some time and fill this application form out. When filling out the form please feel free to write as much or a little as you feel appropriate to answer each question. If you are interested in the same position that you did last year that's great please indicate that on the form. If you are thinking that you would like to apply for a different position that is great as well. Please make sure that you indicate your order of preference if you are interested in more then one position. You do not need to fill out an application form for every position that you are interested in I will assume that your answers pertain to your number one choice, but feel free to write as much as you like. If you are interested in working with Tamwood again in any of the positions please fill out the appropriate attached form and return it to me no later than November 23, 2009. Please make sure that you remember to specify which camp you would like to work at. If you apply for a senior staff position and you are not chosen you will be considered for other positions that you have indicated on your application form. We cannot guarantee that we can hold a full time position for anyone who returns their form later than November 23, 2009. If you are unable to return the application to me by this date please email me prior and we can discuss your options. As emails don't always work please note that this email is being sent to everyone who worked during the 2009 summer season. If you are speaking to someone who has previously worked for Tamwood and they did not receive this email please feel free to pass on this email or to give them my contact information so that they can apply again as well. If you have a friend who is interested in working for Tamwood Camps please have them go to the Tamwood Website to fill out the application form for new staff. Please remind them to let me know that you referred them! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon."
У зв'язку з цим кілька питань. Перше, чи хто раптом не хоче працювати влітку в таборі зі мною??? Сама я туди навряд чи хочу знову їхати, хочу з компанією. А було б класно тоді вже зараз про це подумати. Доведеться заплатити за квитки (якщо почати думати про це так само зараз, то вийде відносно дешево, десь 130 баксів по Канаді й у районі 5000 грн до Торонто, можна й дешевше, я цього так рано ще не пробивала) і за візу (оце вже дорого - 975 грн).
І друге питання - наскільки я хочу туди повертатися. Тобто я дуууууже хочу, але не знаю, чи на наступний рік. Але наразі Джеккі мовчить і мовчить, тому я маю чудовий варіант із Тамвудом. Еееех, пішла снідати і думати...

робота))), Канада, питання

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