I forgot, you can't post your hate-mail/death-threats on
marysues so I'll repost here with more detail.
Story Or Series Title: The Tales Of Fucknut Fangirl.
Fandom: Micheal Jackson is apparently a fandom......was he informed?
Culprit Author's Name:
XLilxficxgirlX Full Name (plus titles if any):
Hair Color (include adjectives): Probably BLACK like her SOUL!
Eye Color (include adjectives): Red? Which reveal so mush DEPERSSING SORROW AND EVILNESS!
Unusual Markings/Colorations: A tattoo of "666" on her body somewhere? I don't know, I'm just guessing that I've been hate-mailed be Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.
Annoying Origin: Deviantart/Fanfiction.net
Annoying Special Abilities: The ability to misspell pretty much everything...In fact the spelling is so bad that I thinik it may be a troll hate mail...
Please include a small sample of the worst of this story: (Do NOT post more than half of a chapter, whole chapters, or whole stories, regardless of how short they are)
I reviewed Rose's pathetic works with this little 'Flame'
Oh my dear sweet mother of mercy.
I really, really want to write a scathing, flaming, nightmare of a review. But, and here's the kicker,
I don't think that you are mentally stable enough to handle it
You wrote the worst Mary-Sue/self-insert/avatarisation/barstardisation-of-real-people possible. And I've read 'My Immortal'.
One of the single most horrible things about this? You wrote it after he died you nutbag.
Block me, delete me, flame me, hunt me down on fanfiction..net and flame every story I have.
I'll still laugh my ass off at your hilarious stupidity.
OH! In case you do want to flame EVERY story I've ever written --->
[link] Do you know what you have to do here? You click on the link.
Awaiting your poorly constructed angst-rant
Right? And then one of her friends followed the link and hate mailed me with this....
XxLil-Fic-GirlxX says:
Oi bich shez diongteh bets she can! I fink tats berrer tahn ur shit on ur page!!1 wats ur probem? shs got a deferent style tah u fukers but that doenst meen tahtitz bad!! MJ liks tis 2 yanno? n i no that 4 a fACt!! n i'm dslexsick so u cant tel me tat iM got bad taset in fics n I dun lik it wehn pplzlik u com n flam hur storie! shez mi besfreind on teh webz an tis is ment to b unin4mal n hapy n smexah n orgylik so u can just FUK OOF OfF DEviNTArt n Fanfishtion 4 LIF!!1!!!!!!!1!! She rites teh brest fics n wats 'OOC' n 'CAnonise' n 'BASterdisashun'???//?? Nut evey1 nos ur speshul fic langage ok!? n wats a @marie sue'??? Her nam is ROSE. NOT MARE SUE. MJ no's dat y dunt u??/ Meen fukers lik u mak me wana kil u. Ima guna hnut u dwon and silt u. 2 bish ur men n no1 liks u enouh to fscrew ur brans out lik pplz do wit rOse. SHEZ GUT GOD REWEIVS N U HAVNT GOT MENY ON UR PAGE!!!!1 SO FUK U U CNUTGRIL!!!111!
I'm not scared, not even mildly, but I am freaked out that there is a person on Earth who spells this badly......Let me get this straight, she's going to "Hnut me Dwon and SILT me", How do you SILT someone? Do you pour silt on them? Because that sounds vaugely like a spa treatment.......As for the "Fscrew my Brans out?"............
I pity Bran.....I'm going to enlist Lelouch here, because I, like him, shall stand up for the needs of the oppressed, in this case, Bran, as I'm pretty sure that Bran is.....
~Ava laughing too hard now.....