(no subject)

Jul 10, 2004 16:33


Ana Luise was in her deathbed.
Her husband Charles was faithfully at her side.
He held her fragile hand and while tears rolled down his cheeks, he prayed along with his wife.
She looked at him and her pale lips started to slowly move.
-Carlos, my love - she wispered ....
-Hush my love - he said - rest ..... Shhhh... Don't say a word
She insistently said in a weakened voice:
- I have something to confess... 
-You have nothing to confess... Everything is alright, sleep...he said.
-No, no, I must die in peace, Charles please, I need to confess that... I slept with your brother, your best friend, and your father!!
-I know, that's why I poisoned you....shhhhh... rest in peace.

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