Player Name: Man-D
Age: 18
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal:
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Email: elvenmagic92 [at] gmail.com
Name: Adah Price, but she also likes to write her name Ecirp Nelle Hada and Ada.
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Fandom: The Poisonwood Bible
Timeline: I will be taking Adah from right after Orleanna’s sickness, immediately after Brother Fowles visits Kilanga again.
Spark Notes Has a nice section on the plot/history of the book, surprisingly. And everything else you will need to pass an English class.
Character Personality:
On the outside, Adah Price seems to be the epitome of a troubled, or possibly “special needs,” child. She is quiet, almost too much so- she sets quotas on the number of words she may use in a month, so she doesn’t speak much. She prefers herself to the company of others, often staring mutely at someone when they speak to her, or not paying attention at all. In fact, most people load their secrets onto her, because they think she can’t speak.
Part of this is caused by her disability, her Hemiplegia. Half of her body is weaker than the other, which she secretly resents and yet subtly finds comforting at the same time. Adah walks with a limp, dragging half of her body behind her. Part of her brain is also messed up- she likes to say that it was the “rash impulse portion” that got destroyed at birth. Most people see this and think that she is slow, when she is anything but. Adah enjoys going slower than the other girls sometimes, for it leaves her alone with her thoughts. But she wishes that sometimes her sisters wouldn’t rush ahead- for example, when Leah leaves her alone in the jungle and rushes home, allowing for a lion to tail Adah all the way back to their house.
But the inner Adah is much more complex. On the inside, Adah is bursting with thoughts and ideas about the world and those who live in it. She is curious, always trying to learn new things and new ideas. She asks the Congolese to teach her their language, and studies their speech patterns and how words fit together in certain ways to create different ideas. Adah is a fan of languages- it is said in canon that she and her twin sister Leah both excel in spelling bees, even passing their older sister. Adah has also learned how to read, write, and even speak fluent French, though she doesn’t care to speak it much. She is said to enjoy numbers- their repetitive motions and similarity pleases her. She is quick at doing math, often stunning other people. Adah is also an avid reader, and reads books first forward, and then backwards. While the other girls are sailing onto other books, Adah takes her slow time reading every word backwards. In addition, she also likes to spell things backwards, and create backwards words and palindromes. Her disability allows her to think of things in different ways, and by far she is the most creative and crafty of the Price sisters.
When it comes to her twin sister, Leah, Adah has a love-hate relationship. On one hand, Leah is her twin, and a part of her family. She will always be devoted to her sister, even when she doesn’t feel like being devoted at all. But on the other hand, she sees Leah as the usurper of her power, the one that turned to her in the womb and said “you’ll come out disfigured and I’ll come out healthy, okay?” The two are essentially exact opposites of each other, each lacking what the other has. Adah envies her sister for having two perfectly healthy sides of her body, and resents that she always tries to get on her father’s good side. While her twin tries to earn all the praise, Adah is stuck trailing on her coattails as the other gifted kid who doesn’t speak much. She makes no attempt to keep this resentment hidden from Leah.
Adah also lacks what the majority of her family has in abundance: faith in God. After an incident in Sunday school where she realized that God had a rather pick and choose method of selecting Christians, she found that she no longer believed in the mystic deity that the rest of her family so fervently worshiped. She often mocks him, using the capital He but making fun of him in the same sentence. The same goes with her father- instead of calling him dad or sir, she names him Our Father, a reference to his profession. It sets her apart from her sister’s devotion to their father, and makes her less personalized to him. She doesn’t want to be a part of his world, and so she alienates herself from it without saying a word. Adah is sarcastic, almost mocking of the contradictory world of her family. The only time she seems in earnest about anything is when she speaks of knowledge, or learning, or the Kilanga people. All her thoughts about her family are cloaked in a veil of cynicism.
Character Abilities: Adah is extremely intelligent, and is able to pick up languages and concepts with ease, so much so that she has been called “gifted” back in America. She is a skilled artist. But other than that, there’s not much of superhuman abilities or anything.
Character Weaknesses: Adah is disfigured, because of a medical condition she’d had since birth. As such, she walks with a limp or a drag, pulling her left side behind her. Also, she doesn’t speak much, so she tends to get lost in the crowd and is never really a stand alone person in anyone’s eyes.
Why your character should be a Weapon: Because she’s hemiplegic, Adah would have a hard time running around as a meister. But she’s also extremely intelligent and able to think of creative ways to defeat opponents. Plus, most of the time she does what people want her to, when her mind’s set on it.
What is your character's Weapon form?: a Studded Knobkerrie, found
here for easy reference. But to represent Adah’s disability, the stick part of the Knobkerrie is bent.
This suits Adah because it represents her life in the Congo. It is a traditional African weapon, used to…well, bash people over the head. Adah is mostly about her inner thoughts and ideas, so something that knocks some sense into people would be good. Also, it provides clarity of thought to the meister- more or less depending on Adah’s relationship with them. This is found from the Knobkerrie’s place as the healing item of shamans and witch doctors, or the wisest people in the villages at the time. Adah’s weapon form channels that idea and allows her to let her meister think very clearly, and clear up any doubts or hesitations.
When she resonates with a meister, Adah’s Knobkerrie becomes very large and straightens itself out. It also grows spikes instead of just studs, and the length becomes filled with backwards words, that represent the inner Adah. Her ability to let her meister think clearly changes into the ability to fill the meister with knowledge, from random facts to important information about their opponent. But she can’t pick and choose what they get- like her inner self, it’s twisted and sometimes dangerous information.
Soul Description: Intelligent, Silent, Mocking, Backwards, Thoughtful, Cocky
Soul Appearance: Adah’s soul is a deep green, the color of vibrant leaves of the Congo. One side of the soul is not symmetrical with the other- it seems to be disfigured, like a kid messed up a circle. She has large eyes that seem to stare pointedly, and no mouth. Her soul is pretty large, to accommodate those eyes.