Negative Energies.

May 17, 2013 09:05

If you understand the concept of Unbounded One, you also understand that even those energies that appear "malevolent" to us, are in fact one and the same with us at the very core. They are manifestations of One - droplets, waves and undercurrents in the ocean of Universal Consciousness.

They are highly elaborate tests of courage, integrity, curiosity, benevolence and free will, designed at the highest levels of Cosmic Wisdom, and administered through infinite mechanisms of trial-and-error inside the probable scenarios of our interlocked realities. They are cycles within cycles, Pandora boxes inserted into one another like Russian dolls, and organized into fractal, conditional, self-sufficient and variably recurring feedback loops.

Our reactions to these often intangible but definitely guided processes ("outside influences") give way to an infinite scope of probability distributions for our respective  futures (potential outcomes or routes taken, which turn the quantity into a quality - collect enough creative thoughts for an event to take place) in any given system or environment (social, geopolitical, physical, planetary, cosmic, metaphysical etc.).

The development of open dynamic systems, ranging anywhere from:

-a single atom of solid physical matter (low vibrating energies of ONE that constitute the basic laws of interaction & boundaries of physical matter reality (PMR) - of our current theater stage composed of sentient matter),
-to civilizations (congregations of units of consciousness bound by a common degree of variable intelligence and experience, basic principles of mutual attraction, and pursuing a common mission on their own level of evolution, much like cells inside our organs; we and all other self-conscious spirits are actors on the stage  of PMR),
-to galaxies (meta environments, in which infinite theaters and actors are located) and entire Universes (Non Physical Matter Reality (NPMR) data hubs of the Absolut that define and direct all processes within subsystems of the Multiverse to one degree or another with use of available energies), is driven by individual efforts of all connected components (players, stages, energies etc.)
-to direct consequences of their personal choices on the whole system to any available extent (karma).

Therefore, our choices in every single reality define possible outcomes of individual and collective efforts that contribute to creation and expansion of this very reality.

But most fundamentally, the Unbounded One uses us (and all other units of consciousness) as field agents to collect knowledge and experience in infinite planes of existence, for the sole purpose of gaining enough of it to become even more inventive, wise and organized, as an open self-aware and self-navigating system can ever be; to raise its frequency to infinity.

The good news is, we all eventually return back home (to the "Source") just to start the process of self-refinement through learning again and again, so as to generate further experience and feed One's hunger for wisdom and perfection. We choose to forget who we are only to remember it through experience and intuition. We not only discover the system, but also generate its components, because the outcome is never known before its tested; evolution of consciousness is not result-oriented, it is process-oriented!

The point is that this steady creative progression along the rails of self-discovery and exploitation of carefully-safeguarded potential never stops; that the ONE never seizes to wonder and expand its horizons through the prism of its innumerable conscious reality cells that valiantly strive to unite their acumen, and eventually get to experience themselves as Creators too - as a prize for good behavior, per se.

Preference is always given to those that never doubt their own potential and believe in personal ability to change things for the better, despite what others may declare; that they LET GO OFF FEAR and GAIN LOVE (lower their entropy) in whichever fashion available to them, that they never give up their search for creative balance, and eventually acquire enough energy and sophistication to create their own realities with mere will; so that Creator's energo-dynamic Soul continues to endlessly divide itself to construct additional interactive realities and populate them with self-aware actors, much like our souls divide themselves to experience parallel incarnations inside "simultaneous" space-time lines! And that it constantly upgrades its elements like we upgrade our computer software...

The more reciprocally-organized these interlocked energy systems become, the more balanced their individual and collective elements and mechanisms, the more energy becomes available to do productive work, to grow on absolutely any level of this intricate hierarchy. However, before this potential energy is liberated, the end users must prove themselves trustworthy of handling it only from a benevolent and selfless perspective - from the standpoint of high balance and auto-elected harmonization, low entropy; that they willingly and relentlessly implement the politics of pure LOVE!

"Negative energies" are part of the fundamental program, embedded at the very root of the scenarios we play out in infinite realities and dimensions for the sole purpose to differentiate constructive and altruistic units of consciousness from selfish and destructive - to evaluate their useful charge and predict prospect contribution to the Overall; to see who willingly decides to play fair game (love) and who seeks to pull the blankey to their side, instead of sharing (fear); who brings balance (progress, harmonious creative methodology, wisdom) to the system, and who keeps it in stagnation or devastates it to any minute degree by feeding the ego.

Individuated collection, critical but open-minded assessment, and profitable implementation of these variably dynamic environmental inputs is key in all Universal workshops run by Unbounded One.

Karma is used as a basic loop-check function to filter the above categories of spiritual maturity through basic laws applicable on all levels of absolutely all realities from the beginning of All There Is - from the "time" Love created Fear. It did so for the purpose of learning; in order to test, discover and invent its fundamental principles of interaction  in a virtual gaming environment that is limited only by availability of creative energy, which it derives from lowering its collective and individual entropies.

Again, the most basic criteria here is the ability of a soul to choose Love over Fear (and their respective derivatives, such as, for instance, compassion and understanding VS greed and aggression), be productive rather than destructive in any given situation, even if this choice includes a degree of personal sacrifice of any kind.

In the long run, this amounts to confiscating (redirecting) energies from "evil" (low frequency) souls/spirits for the benefit of "high-quality" protagonists, thus altering their rates of vibration (creative energy charges), and allowing the good kids to eventually return home, to experience the infinite love and bliss of Creator, while keeping the bullies restricted in lower density planes (freedom and opportunity swamps such as our PMR), until they learn through their own individual experience that love, stability and low entropy are the ONLY keys to sustained existence of the overall system of Universal Consciousness.

I am sure Dolores Cannon understands this concept at least partially, but has not yet discovered a proper way to explain it as thoroughly as need be + this is not the type of knowledge that really needs to be in the open right now. Consequently, she simply denies the existence of the "dark forces" with the assumption that the less we focus on them, the less we feed them with our inspired energies; the less we spell them into factual existence and empower their ensuing derivatives. It's a bit like cancer - the more you think of it, the more the chances it will actually develop.

This is undeniably a safe and decidedly fertile technique at our current levels of cosmic awareness. Much like the 10 commandments in the Bible, it is a set of clear and simple universal truths that cannot necessarily be explained, but must be fundamentally understood. Unlike the Biblical commandments, these particular truths affect us on deeper subliminal levels of our resourceful, but often careless consciousness, acting as a security valve to prevent us from sticking our nose into processes we do not fully understand.

Given that many people out there do not possess sufficient knowledge to truly grasp the above ideology, Dolores openly admitting to existence of "dark energies" would be somewhat equivalent of a bank CFO publically hinting towards insolvency of his institution - it would send ripples of needless panic across the board of interconnected system elements; it would distort the reality of things through our individual efforts (random thought-forms and thought-patterns that we constantly generate, but do not necessarily control) and eventually unbalance the overall.

As it clearly appears, the "subconscious" is NOT what we have been thought by DC: each person has an Essence (their over-soul, their guardian), and all Essences are different. they have their own personality, a place on the evolutionary ladder of consciousness, as well as a level of awareness, energy and understanding.

much like our body cells are organized into organs, all souls are organized into groups. depending on which group the Essence adheres to, it may have more or less access to data, especially in regards to subjects other than the client - some can access data and some cannot.

therefore, since we speak to a different unit of higher consciousness each time we induce a client, it is misleading to state that it is in fact the same entity for us all. we are not talking to the Source, but only to a branch on its tree of life.

so to cut the long story short: what Dolores taught us seemed to imply that we ALL connect to an SC COMMON to ALL OF US. such is clearly not the case. however, i may have misunderstood this part of her explanations, so please correct me.

John's Essence did not come through in his session. it was the commanding hitchhiker entity that came through for a specific reason described earlier, while his Essence remained somewhat dormant (perhaps it was simply unaware of the ongoing session)

Does this make any sense to you?

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