Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm: Call for Applications

Mar 18, 2010 14:48

Royal Institute of Art (Kungl. Konsthögskolan) in Stockholm, in conjunction with the National Artistic Research School in Sweden, announces a doctoral studentship in fine art.

Deadline: April 20, 2010

The Royal Institute of Art (Kungl. Konsthögskolan - KKH) in Stockholm is one of the oldest and leading institutions for art education in northern Europe and has a strong international profile. Workshop facilities and teaching staff's expertise cover the whole artistic field within theory and practice. The Royal Institute of Art also runs postgraduate studies within architecture.

We welcome applications from those who wish to deepen their artistic practice and engage with a creative and reflective process. The proposed research project will have grown out of the applicant's previously undertaken artistic practice. The aim of the doctoral project is to develop an extensive body of work that shall be publicly presented and to present a documentation of this process in an appropriate format. The documentation should include accessible critical, contextual and reflective elements.

While allowing the research project to enrich the individual understanding, it is envisaged that the outcomes of the research project will contribute to existing discourses surrounding artistic approaches to making.

The Royal Institute of Art's commitment to research is driven by an ambition to highlight and promote a continual development of artistic achievements within the context of higher art education. It also aims to open up ways in which artistic knowledge can be articulated within its own field, and to examine its own conditions upon which creative work is made.

For artistic research projects to fully develop and mature, while generating knowledge through reflective practice, the Royal Institute of Art recognizes the importance of providing an extended length of time in an open-minded and supportive environment in which research can flourish and result in insights upon the being, function and development of art.

The Doctoral Program comprises 240 ECTS-credits (4 years of full-time studies) of which 60 ECTS-credits cover seminars and courses and 180 ECTS-credits the individual research. The program starts September 1st, 2010. For more information, please see

стипендии, прием заявок, художникам, школы_универы_академии

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