Nov 15, 2006 16:19
i should never be left alone to think... haha...
today is going by so slow!! i love it!! i called in to work today because i didnt feel well last night or this morning. im pretty sure a strange guy was in the house with kris' mom talking about the radon in his house... its extremely high and we have to get that down before we sell it to these people that want to buy it.
within the next 4 months i have a ton of big events...
thanksgiving. nov 25th
moving to the condo with the rents. by dec 5th.
christmas. dec 25th??
new years. dec 31st
the cruise. jan 13th-22nd
kris dave and i moving into our own place. feb 1st
two year anniversary. feb 26th.
i know im thinking ahead... but its going to fly by....
and its going to be nuts!!!
on top of all that something hit me really hard today that makes me want to be a better girlfriend...
number 1 i dont ever want to lose you.
and number 2 mostly applies to just me... i dont want to have to start over.
i dont want to have to start history with anyone else. i am sick of long relationships that dont go anywhere and for once i have one that IS going somewhere and for once im in a relationship with a person i RESPECT and appreciate.
i think someone would have to kill me before id ever let him go.