May 24, 2005 09:30
Yep, I like working over the phone a lot better than I do door to door. I got a sale in just a few minutes on the phone. And another one soon after that. My boss,Robert, pulled me aside and told me that I was doing really well, and he wants my personal goal to be 6 a day. It's do-able especially since I'm making like 200 calls a night. That's 2 sales every hour. Hunting for a second job sucks. Yesterday, before I went to work, I walked around a mall that is relatively close to where I am working and looked at every store that I wouldn't mind purchasing clothes from and got an application. My feet hurt hardcore from that. I totally have blisters on my heels from my high heels. That's always fun stuff!! Well, I have to go. I have to be on the hunt once again. Until next time...