Mommy's Back! (Sort of)

Aug 27, 2009 19:18

So 6 hours later, we're back, the cats are home, the minivan's picked up from long term parking and aleady September is drawing near.

I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed, except...

1. Three fics, two drafts, five prompts to go...
2. I forgot to turn off my LJ notifications for, well, everyone like gingerlr, teachwriteslash, blcwriter and oh, possibly a dozen others on the TW and ST fandom so I have 258 messages on LJ to sort. (is speechless)
3. I left my bedside lamp on. The. Whole. Time. (is imagining electric bill)
4. School! No clothes fit! Too much vacation, not enough exercise! Mommy will be waddling with her twins to school.
5. Weather in west coast was 70's and low 80's. It's been low 90's here. Wah...
6. Our Tivo was left recording, now full of summer reruns. Oi.
7. I think I left my liver on the plane. Did I mention I was a nervous flyer?
8. Laundry! Ack! (is feeling faint)
9. Laundry! Shriek! (needs a second mention)

LOL. So, I'm back. Not quite. Catching up this week before I begin posting again. All's fair in TW and ST? (hope so)

My place oddly smells like stale cinnamon. ???

mommy goes eh?

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