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Feb 21, 2005 20:25

wow.i havent updated in mucho time-o. well. not much has happened lately. i turned in my money for states! yay. but damn. so much money and it doesnt even include the freaking bus. what kinda shit is that. oh wells.

me and justins 1yr anniversary is in a whole 6days. yay.

josh's bday in a whole 8days. wowie so close. =) josh u better come visit me u turd! =) lol.

oo oh yah. keniel made these bracelets out of rubber bands that said "Anti-Charan" on them. Which were totally wrong cause it was mean and it kinda taunted and made fun of the people who survived cancer and stuff(which is waht these bracelets are suppose to stand for) and like yeah. I mean..keniel is my buddy and all..and it was kinda funny..but it kinda showed how much freaking time the boy has on his hands..

anyway. im getting fat. ima look like a lil piggy especially w/my nose if this keeps going on. lol soo..i think ima start going on a diet. strictly water(no soda/juice or nothing), some kinda fruit a day, and no more junk food at lunch..and have some kind of a breakfast(wether toaster strudel or poptart at least). and for dinner no more rice..but a salad or something. oo. and ima start going on the treadmill. its just THERE and no one uses it... so i might as well put it to use. and..hmm..play tennis 1x a week maybe(ill make justin come along).

hm. sounds good.

oh..mrs.joeckel had a mild stroke. it really suxs cuz in case u didnt know, she's pregnant. but at least the baby is okay. i think ima go to the mall and buy her some kinda present on wednesday(we're having our goodbye party on friday cause shes leaving cause mara gray( i think thats the babys name) is due in like 2weeks!). i hope she gets better shes SUCH an awesome teacher and our new teacher is sure gana make me miss her lotz and lotz. mrs.joeckel is the bestest,funnest teacher ever ever ever. =)

newayss...im about to call my babe in a few. i luv him so much. i wrote a note for him today but i forgotz to give it to him. it wuz out of boredom in spanish. hm. maybe ill write another one when i finish with my spanish test that im going to study all night for. HA!

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