Nov 04, 2005 19:14 anyway! I had a wonderful time in Guelph! It was more than I ever could have asked for. James, Phil, Kula...I mean, COME ON! Best. Ever.
So, got to Guelph, rejoiced with Fare Court and James. Always a good time. Philly got there. Excellent. Then we watched some OC, better time. Then Court, Fare and their friends hit the bar while we stayed home and laughed, cried and pretty much had a good ol' time. Hit up McD's at 2:30. Ditched random boys at the drive thru. Picked up a random on the street at 2:37 am! Haha! Hit it up back home and had some fun. The three of us made love in James' bed. Slept at 6:30, so needless to say, I did NOT go to class...finished astro and then went to Squirrels for breaky at 4:00 pm. It was a bracelet crew reunion in its finest. B-E-A-utiful.
But as soon as I got home I got jumped by my sis who missed me, of course. Who WOULDN'T miss this fine piece of ass! Like HONESTLY! Hahaha! Then of course, here I am. Got bombarded by Tyler (WHO I LOVE). It went something like this:
Tyler: Hey skank
Jenn: Hey man
Tyler: Come to a kegger tonight. Do it!
Jenn: Have plans
Tyler: damnit. You're not cool
Jenn: Cooler than you! it didn't go EXACTLY like that, but seriously, I am lazy! Hahah! You get the point! Tyler you ROCK my world. In every possible way! ;)
I'm out hommies! Lata!
jennifer maria (SO much better than Maggie!) hahaha!