Left this thing in my apartment after me an' Ravyn's date. Fuck, that happiness is pretty much dead now. Startin' to wish I had said somethin' to her... But that wouldn't have really worked out... Fuck. God damn it, that was just...
Why the fuck did I do it? I mean, how the hell would knowing that help Kiyomaro anyway? What the hell was I thinking? Is Zeon's insane contagious or somethin'?
Now... Fuck man, now I'm sitting under a bridge soaking wet and crying like a little baby. Damn it all. This is almost as bad as when Jiji died. Such a fuckin' pansy I've become. Not even two days ago, felt like the fuckin' king of the world, really felt... Somethin'. Never felt that good in my life.
Right now, feel lower than... Something real low. Drownin' myself startin' to look like a real good idea. But I don wanna.
Fuck it all... I'm not goin' back. Not now, not for a while... Give 'em time to... Whatever. Maybe Ravyn'll find herself someone to like who ain't a right bastard.
Dammit. Fuck fuck fuck.
Shit too.
Where the hell am I anyways? ... Double shit.
Fuck, small world. There's her place.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. This is way too familiar. 'Cept I'm not soaked in Jiji's blood this time. Shit, her window's open...
Oh... Triple shit. Quadruple shit while I'm at it. If this day coudn't get any fucking worse.
Gotta run. Real fas (the s streaks down the bottom of the page)
(page is fairly wet, splotches making many parts illegible.)