Feb 24, 2008 01:25
i ruv craft crub girls and i want to see you guys on the regular!1111111 where the fuck are youse!!!!!11
i am drunk and megan is here and she is fucking adorable. as per usual
i left kelley gorniyuck i voicemail and alice one too. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU
and i talked to lindsay but she was at daap and it sounded like she didn't want to talk because it was awkward for her to be on the phone since she was with some peeps. i completely understand. it's like when i was in line at the post office for like an hour and my dad kept calling me and it was terrible bc everybody in line was listening to me talk to my pa. we were talking about pASSports and he kept insisting that i could go in the far right person at the desk and ask for the paperwork but it would have been terribly rude of me to go up there because there was such a long line. blah blah blah
i am on my second sparkxxxxxxx and i took adderral for the first time today cause rir norris gave me some for free so i could clean my goddamn room for my mother!!! i am such a loser!!!111 lol ROR~~!! i am tipsy. i wish my BFFS would answer their damn cell phones so i could talk to them while i was intoxicated. i am on madisons computer writing a drunk message. i wish this could be a little more embarassing maybe if i spelled embar with like an i. i want this message to be more imparassing and i still can not spell this fucking word right, or WRITE har har har i am such a fag. i came to cinci without my parents permission. i told them i was going to #1's bffs house KATIE FUCKN AKINs but me and jason went down here. i invited him cause he never gets to see bran bran. i need to go drink more.
p fucking s answer your cellulars so i can talk to you while i am drunk