This weekend has been pretty strange. I ended up working a few hours Friday night, so most of my Friday was spent relaxing at home. I ended up going to the movies (for the first time in God knows how long) to see
Hot Fuzz. It was a pretty funny movie, written by the writers (and lead roles) in
Shaun of the Dead. The impression I got from the trailer was that of a modern-day
Don Quixote, but man was I wrong!
I ended up sleeping... a lot for some reason. 14 hours on Friday, 12 hours on Saturday. I don't have a clue what was going through my mind or my body. But I feel much better now.
I managed to get a bit of shopping done for
littledee5's birthday, although I have some other bigger ideas. We'll see.. Her party planning is going nicely. (Yeah, she knows about it - she found the evite somehow...)
Ran into an old friend (the lead singer of a band who we hung around with while the band was still together). Rehashed the past, got a few updates, was invited to collaborate on a project - which of course in the interest of time, I had to turn down. Sounded like a good idea, though. And if I were not in school, I probably would've gone for it...
I got a few good deals over the weekend, too. Finally got my hands on a copy of Ice Climber, an IntelliVoice expansion (for speech-enabled Intellivision Games), and this wacky Intellivision game caled "Bomb Squad". The "voices" in the game instruct you in diffusing the bomb, taunt you, and congratulate you when you've finished. Reminded me that I really need to overhaul my Intellivision deck (it needs a good cleaning, and the controllers could use some TLC). But with the expansion, I found out I have another IV game, Space Spartans. Woot!
School Updates
- Lab for CS220 (due Monday) is done. One more, and the course is over! - JSP Sessions, here I come! Of course , I mistakenly started coding the session information into this lab, which will only make next week's work a piece of cake.
- Both exams for these classes during the week of the 14th of May.
- 2 labs due this week for the independent study in "Advanced" Web Development - one in Perl and MySQL and the other in ASP.NET.
- Meeting with my advisor for summer/fall registration.
I'm such a dork! Time for sleep.