So, saturday's presentation at SLeD went swimmingly. I'm so glad I thought to bring my brother's laptop - we had technology classrooms with projectors but no workstations. Really saved my ass. My presentation was a quick-and-dirty Scouting orientation. And despite not knowing jack about Girl Scouts before writing it, it came out pretty well. The "lecture" had over 25 brothers in attendance, and it seemed to go pretty well (with only a minor slipup). I ended up doing it in "Class A" uniform, which in discussions afterwards, found it very effective in getting people interested. I ended up handing out a list of addresses and phone numbers for the local councils covered in
Section 89. It sounds like the 89 chapters are already aware of their local Boy Scout council, hopefully the Girl Scout list'll kick them in the butt too.
Can I tell you how much I hate JavaScript? I won't go into detail, but I ran into a problem where I was removing items from a list. No biggie, both FF and IE worked flawlessly. Try to insert items back in in specific sequence, and *boom*! IE can't seem to wrap it's head around it. Ended up I had to reposition a selected item in order for IE to reinsert these things the way I wanted them - stupid browser bugs. Thank God I'm
fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon...