ONE Dreaded Week Over... 7 more to go

Mar 01, 2009 22:40

So, I managed to finish all those things I listed on my previous post.
I also passed my G test. Yep, this is a fully licensed driver, right here!!!

This is actually my reading week and I'm already frustrated with all the work I have on my plate. I'm getting email after email, and I just realized how many lectures I've been missing because I seriously cannot time manage (or maybe the program just really is that hard to deal with). Just for reminders, here is what I have in store for the next 5 days
  • World Literature Take Home Midterm (retardedly vague questions, mind you)
  • Academic Research Paper (this is a never ending process)
  • Preparations for my Western History Midterm
  • about 100 pages of reading for Canadian History
  • A Canadian History Paper
  • A World Myth paper
  • Studying for a World Myth test
Honestly, I'm so tired, and it's just my luck that I'm currently suffering with the flu. I can't keep food down.
And, just to make matters worse, after this Reading Week... it's basically they hardest 7 weeks left.
It's almost graduation (for my diploma... I still have 3rd yr and 4th yr to look forward to at UofT for my degree), and I'm struggling to stay on top of things. This is seriously taking its toll on me.. my skin is breaking out, my head hurts almost everyday and my already weak immune system is even weaker.

I want this done with... now.
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