Dec 27, 2006 01:08
i really, really hate it. one, i can't fall asleep because i'm coughing. and the coughing gets worse at night. last night, my mom got up at 1:30 am to rub some lotion thing on my back to help get rid of the coughing. didn't work. at around 3, she made me some honey water thing. didn't work. i basically drifted in and out of sleep between coughing fits. got up at 5:30 and went boxing day shopping with parents.
and that's another thing i'm pissed at. who opens their store at 6? futureshop apparently, just so that people can start lining up in front of their store at 4 in the morning. technically, i wasn't really sleeping, so i didn't lose much...but still.
on the bright side, we finally got a dvd recorder. little sister wanted an ipod nano but they didn't have the colour she wanted (seriously, what's wrong with a blue ipod?). had a couple more coughing fits, then basically spent the rest of my day doing nothing. getting up early means your days gets a whole lot longer. at least, for me, since i've been waking up at 1 pm everyday. not my fault. the cough medicine makes me drowsy and then i can't sleep properly at night because of coughing. kinda...ironic? is that the right word for it?
plus, i have to take the same drowsy cough medicine during the day. i try to get some work done and basically doze. what a pain.
despite all that, i had a pretty good christmas. didn't get what i wanted, since i didn't want anything in particular, but i do like the new usb drive. spent some time with family, that sort of thing.
hope everyone else had a good christmas.