I saw a dead cat today, and it was missing its back limbs. Chris, DJ, some...guy, and myself were walking down this tunnel thingi, and it was dark. We saw this dead cat, but couldnt figure out what it was at first, because it had no fur, it was completely bald and bloated.. We all got closer and I saw the fuckng maggots, I hate maggots so much. I couldnt smell anything at first, then as we were walking away I could finally smell. I wish I had my camera so I could have shared with you, my dead cat Fluffy. Yeah we named it.
I love night pictures
me and chris
Smokey Tokey
My foot, RU36. Im a motha fucken petifile.
we went to the mexican pumpkin patch.
Pumpkin love.
I love this skirt.
I was at the bus-stop, and this kid came up to me, squeezed my thigh and said "I BROKE YOUR LEG"
Don't ask.
Halloween hand!
No, bad bad thoughts.
Good night=)