Nov 05, 2004 21:15
Congratz Heather, like i said I WILL ALWAYS be here for you whether you change your mind or not I love you, mostly your personality, but I still and will always love you. Tracy I love you lots, and i hope you never change. Heidi congratz on the baby I hope things stay good for you.
Well heres a poem i Wrote in the hospital that kinda explains my life for those that know it.
"The Devil Knows"
Here I am,
On the road again.
There I go,
Only the devil knows.
Sweetly sing in the new,
Only true to you.
Past time roll on,
Then you'll find im gone.
Here I am,
on the road again,
There I go,
to where the devil knows.
When will I return,
and will hurt, will it burn.
I've done my time,
And I've always been fine.
Maybe I'll have a life, in due time.
Help me learn,
to feed the yearn.
Here I am,
On the road again.
There I go,
~Thomas J. D. McGrath~
"Going Insane"
I grip the ring that I once wore,
I'll never let go is what i swore.
But here I am in this hell,
Listening to the rining of that bell.
I'm going mad just sitting here,
My mothers home, thats not too near.
I miss my friends and family too,
If they knew, if only they knew.
This haven is a lie,
I don't need this I might die.
If I die I'll never live,
And a life I want to give.
I feel mad maybe insane,
like it really couldn't hurt my brain.
I felkt so numb, I felt so cold,
I lost my grip , I lost my hold.
I loved a girl, it didn't matter how old.
She was nice and sweet,
I do hope again we meet.
For love is a mystery, one i hope to solve,
For my world around her it always has revolved.
I just never knew how much I cared,
Until one day at death I stared.
~Thomas J. D. McGrath~
Heather I love your personality soo much, much of my love to you.
Tracy you saved my life once and every day since I LOVE YOU.
Heidi I loved you, lost you, and still love ya, its just too bad the way things go.
Mike, the brother I lost in 99 Nov. 6th, I miss him so damn much and you take his place I love you like a brother.
Tim your the friend that always there and knows whats best for us all I love you as a friend man.