Jan 23, 2007 22:50
JANUARY 23, 2007;
Recently, I've been trying to figure out what love is.
Y'know, the love where people used to say, "When it happens, you'll know."
When really, it sounds like a load of bullshit.
If I knew when it happened, I wouldn't be sitting here contemplating on what it was, or what it meant.
So everytime you're with someone, are you just supposed to sit around and wait?
Is there a time limit to this sort of thing?
Not that I'd sit and waste my entire life with one person just waiting for it, but what if I did...
Would it ever come?
So then how do you know when to stop and give up?
Or is that just supposed to come to you too?
Let's say you have some really close friends.
You care about your friends right?
You always want what's best for them, you want them to be happy.
You want to make them laugh.
You want to surprise them.
You want things fixed asap, whenever something goes wrong.
You'll listen to them whenever they have a problem.
& the list goes on.
So what is the difference between your close friend or your girlfriend/boyfriend?
Is it because you become sexually attracted to them?
Let's look at "love affairs" or one-night stands.
Do those people "love" the person they're with, whether it's someone they'll never see again, someone they're cheating on, or someone they're cheating with?
Hight doubtful, considering they're probably just in need of a decrease in their sex-drive.
So maybe the difference between your friend and your girlfriend/boyfriend is the fact that you don't like to share the one you're with.
(unless you're into open relationships that is)
So, just because you don't like to share, does that mean you love him/her?
Okay, so let's elaborate shall we?
It wouldn't make sense if love just showed up out of nowhere, so I still don't believe that when you find it, or when it happens, you'll know.
Love is something strong and something serious.
Love is when you could sacrifice almost anything, even your life, for that person.
Love does not come naturally.
You have to learn to love someone.
& when you do, you love everything about them, even their flaws.
You're able to see past the negative things, forgive each other, and build a stronger relationship with the positives.
You will learn from your mistakes, or at least try to your best ability because you can't stand making them upset.
You'd give anything to make them happy, even if it's only for a second.
& you'd do anything you could to keep that smile on their face forever...
If you're reading this, I hope you can take whatever it is you agree or disagree with and elaborate with it, so that you can figure out what love is or what love means to you.
These statements are just my thoughts running around that I needed to collect and release, so that I can figure out what I think love is.
Love is something that takes time.
For some, it takes longer than others.
But if that person truly loves you, they will wait around for you...
written by my good friend WHO i LOVE.
teena =]