Feb 26, 2000 17:21


Name: Terezi Pyrope // gallowsCalibrator // Seer of Mind

Age: 6 sweeps old // about 13 human years

Gender: Female

Fandom: Homestuck

Timeline: Act 5 part 2, right after Terezi’s chat with Sollux (this page. As of August 13th 2011: Act 5 part 2, right after she kills Vriska. (this page

History: MSPA wikia

Character Personality: Terezi is the biggest troll. It is her. She doesn’t have a special ability like most of the people around her, but she does have the ability to get under your skin in a good and/or bad way, as well manipulate people whenever she pleases and of course, get on your nerves just because. Though she grew up mostly by herself she’s had plenty of time practicing roleplaying court room trials with her dragon plushies -- scalemates -- in which she, the prosecution, makes them all pay for the evil things they did. Yeah, she’s sort of a nutcase too. But her biggest dream is to join the ranks of the legislacerators, basically troll!lawyers, so she works hard in her studies. This has made her sharp as well given her an eye for detail, which also makes her perfect for her role in Sgrub;
the seer of mind.

Despite being a sociopath of a high caliber, she does care, to a point. Like everyone else she has feelings, she just never shows them or tells them to anyone. Terezi grew up on her own because her lusus was unhatched for pretty much her entire life. For her, it doesn’t really matter much whether she’s alone or with other trolls. Of course, her lonely past gave her shitty social skills (that is, being a dick to everyone just for fun). But throughout that life, Terezi hasn’t really had anyone to talk to; having to cope with things for herself. It’s been proved in the most recent updates that Terezi does cry; when she practically sent Dave into a doomed timeline where he is killed by Jack.

Terezi really cares about her closest friends. She keeps an eye on them, pays close attention to them and avenges them if needed. But she’s still kind of a dick to them anyway and trolls them when she’s bored. However, if they backstab her, she remembers forever. Unadmittedly, she holds onto grudges and will not let go until justice is served. Be on her bad side, and you’re fucked. When she was younger she teamed up with Vriska Serket, forming Team Scourge. Together, they were the vigilante duo, serving justice by punishing those who deserved it. Though there’s not much information on how tight they were in the past, Terezi became really angry when Vriska made Tavros jump off a cliff, successfully paralyzing both of his legs. Not only this; despite Terezi’s warning, Aradia tried to avenge Tavros, resulting Aradia’s (first?) death. Not only did Vriska do that, it’s also revealed that while Terezi believed they were killing bad guys and feeding them to Vriska’s monster of a lusus, she just kept killing and killing -- innocent or not.

Bitch no you did not.

Using her skills of manipulation and precise planning, Terezi had a cue ball successfully blow up in Vriska’s face causing her to lose an arm and her vision eightfold. In return, Vriska had her blinded. Then there were probably a lot of noodle incidents, because at some point the two of them had to write a contract about not trying to get back at each other. Which worked out! Sort of. Still doesn’t stop them from going at it, or more like Vriska trying to go at it beause Terezi is too cool to be in silly small fights with her! In fact, Terezi actually thanks Vriska for blinding her. She’s by long realized that deep inside, she actually wants to be blind (her dreams self is blind too). Anyway, this part doesn’t only display that she cared for Aradia and Tavros-- she’s probably disappointed in Vriska too.

So, quadrants, huh. Troll romance is a terribly confusing concept. Terezi doesn’t like confusing concepts and ideas; they just give her headaches. But, she really likes Karkat. The only time she is shown to lose her cool (apart from when she cried over a doomed Dave) is when John told her that Karkat basically was in love with her - upon which she went into a state of “WH4T” and demanded him to copy-paste his proof. Though, at some point she is going to punch/punched Karkat in the face and laugh/laughed about it. It’s still a bit of a mystery why she admires him. Might be the color of his blood.

At first, much like all the other trolls, Terezi thought the idea of trolling the humans was stupid. Then her future self told Dave to send her a really fucking huge amount of money. This made her, with the help of Sollux, track down Dave and watch his life and how he grew up on the monitor. Of course, she had to troll this cool kid - how can you even resist that? Being a very curious person, Terezi likes Dave because he tries to hide so much about himself. Though that might have been the ulterior motive, Terezi has grown new and strange feelings for this human; a feeling called broship. However, Dave is seemingly not the first human she actually trolled. Apparently Jade has spoken to all the trolls before, so it’s assumed that she and Terezi has spoken before. As Rose and Terezi both are seers, she of course had a conversation with her; declaring them to be fated hatefriends. In spite of this she gave Rose a little help, but she gave up because she had to explain so many things and told her she would troll her later. At one point she fooled John to his death in an alternate timeline by successfully serving his head on a plate to LOWAS’ Denizen. She’s really sorry about that, though. So sorry she helped John to get into LOLAR to prove how bad she felt about it, even! Though Terezi is hard-boiled, she still feels remorse. The reason she trolled them so hard and disliked them in the beginning was mostly because it was the humans that sent Jack into their section, getting them stuck in a game that couldn’t be won. Now, she doesn’t seem to mind them at all. She even, daresay, likes them. It doesn’t stop her from trolling them and being plain creepy, though.

Character Abilities: Despite being born without any special powers, Terezi has a knack for being able to manipulate people by just talking and twisting words and actions as she wants. As the seer of mind she has a greater understanding of people; friends and enemies.

She has the ability to smell and taste colours, using them to see. This also raises her awareness, as her strong sense of smelling can catch up the scents of people as well.

Her strife specibus is canekind; her weapon being her own blind cane. Her canes so far haven’t been just canes though, her first cane was a spear/nunchuck and her second could be taken apart to reveal two swords.

Character Weaknesses: No matter how comfortable Terezi is with being blind, she is really blind and that will always be a weakness, despite being able to smell and taste colours. If she ever got a cold, she would be tripping over everything-- she would be completely blind, which, Terezi can’t do.

Like everyone else, she has a weak side. She can be emotional. She hates that. Terezi isn’t a person that shows emotions, which is why she bottles up and keeps it to herself. A part of her might also be afraid of becoming a killer much like Vriska, especially after she was responsible for another doomed Dave.

She can be obnoxious and mean and though she might not always do it on purpose people tend to find her creepy. Her personality seems to be everywhere all the time and people tend to not know whether to take her seriously or not. She’s the boy who cried wolf, basically. Parts of her tend to not trust that easily, especially after being backstabbed. Like everyone else, she has her vulnerable moments.

One thing she also does is that she tends to jump into conclusions very fast. Although she realizes by herself when her conclusion is rather silly, she is still prone to doing it.


Why your character should be a Meister: Terezi is a manipulator. She can take control of almost anyone if she wants to, which makes her great for being a meister. The only orders she’ll take are the ones that are interesting; unless she wants to troll/take advantage of it. She is also a great leader: Sollux didn’t choose her to be the original leader of the red team just because he could.

Meister Ability: Soul Scent

As of August 2011, she is now a weapon.


Why your character should be a Weapon: While Terezi is a great leader, she can also be a supporting character. She is the true manipulator out of the trolls, but she has shown that she much prefers to stand in the sidelines and watch, just assisting here and there when it comes to other character's choices. While she doesn't really always take orders, it'd be a nice challenge for her to have to fully trust someone to wield her properly, since trust is also one of her issues.

What is your character's Weapon form?: Terezi will be a coin, like the one in this panel. Instead, it will have her face on it. IT is a coin with heads on both sides, but one side is scratched.

Her attacks will be based on coin flips. For each head, there is a simple energy wave released at the opponent, and the more heads you get in a row the powerful it will become. The energy wave doesn't cut, it's a force that will push people away. If used correctly, waves can be used to push enemies into walls or make heavy objects be flung against the enemy. Scratched side will null it.

However, there are combinations: if you flip the coin repeatedly in certain combinations, new attacks will appear.

4 heads, 1 scratch and 3 heads; The meister will be able to look into the opponents mind and foresee actions. The stronger the resonation, the longer can the meister look into the other's mind.

4 scratches, 1 head and 3 scratches; The opponent will be trapped in a state of blindness. The stronger the resonation, the longer the time. 6 heads, 1 scratch and 2 heads; The opponents actions are now reversed. Left is right, right is left; up is down, down is up.

6 scratches; 1 head and 2 scratches; After this, the original attack of energy waves per heads flipped will now be able to cut through objects. A scratch will nullify the entire attack and one would have to flip the combination again to achieve it. [ SOUL INFORMATION ]

Soul Description: Energetic, malicious, strange, intelligent, creative, manipulative.

Soul Appearance:


First Person:



Third Person: The room was big. Empty. Reeked of death. Terezi stood silent for a minute, staring at Feferi. She couldn’t see, but the smell was there. What could she say? Feferi wasn’t exactly someone she spoke to a lot, although back in Alternia Terezi had her hopes for the new empress. She was wondering where Kanaya went off to too, with all that blood loss she couldn’t have gone far. Her computer emitted a small beep, and almost tripping over Feferi in the process, she reached it and opened Trollian.

The sheer amount of relief that went through Terezi right then was almost embarrassing, but she was so happy to hear that Sollux was alive. That she wasn’t alone. She felt herself type a response, ask if he had seen Karkat. It took her a while to notice the change in his quirk, too. But they were okay, and her chesire cat grin was back in place.

She stood up, her hands leaving the keyboard. Nose on the ready, she quickly typed a message to Sollux before she turned around and--

Her head hurt. That was all she could think of when she tried to get up, groping for her cane as she did. It wasn’t there. Where was her glasses? They weren’t there either. Had she been robbed? What happened? All the questions made her head hurt more and dear gog she really didn’t need this. Inhaling her surroundings, she realized one vital thing. This was not the veil, not Alternia... It smelled like human.

If Terezi didn’t already have a constant chesire cat grin, it would’ve been cracked about now.

[ NOTES ] TH3R3S NOT MUCH TO S4Y OTH3R TH4N TH4T T3R3Z1 TYP3S L1K3 TH1S. Also, she is blind.


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