So i've decided that in a month i'm going to get my tongue pierced. I went onto and i was looking around to see what i really wanted and stuff, and it occured to me that maybe i'd get venoms. but i'm not sure. i want one in the center. and i also need help deciding what kind of cherries to get on my hips. I found a lot of pretty ones. So please take a look and help me pick.
Also Kelsey, i found some really cute inner lip tattoos; i think we should seriously get a sister tattoo and do that. It seems pretty cool. I'll put the pictures up in the cut.
[[ Basically i have this picture because i think this boy's really really cute xD but lookit the tongue piercings :D]]
and i'm debating getting this one done [[ below]]
So what do you think i should get done? i'm thinking the first or the second. But i'm not sure.
And the Tattoos
Kelsey and i decided on this for my 18th birthday sister present.
I'm thinking 2 or 4. I reallly like 4 but 2 is very me too. So help me with that too!
mucho love.