sane sane sane sane

May 02, 2007 15:36

It’s just one of those days where you feel overly emotional, over dramatic, overly tired, overly frustrated, overly short with people and you just want to slap yourself in the face :::mental picture::: ::laughter:: that was positively funny to imagine. Pm would def. stare at me then.

So boy leaves in exactly 13 days. Can you say…sad? This is what I am. How can I positively enjoy the last few hours with him knowing he’ll be gone for so long. 6 months-then back for just a couple days for his sisters wedding then another 4 months…can someone tell me I can stay sane? Sane sane sane sane. I can do this.
His parents asked his if we were getting married…I suppose it seems kind of odd…I have his bed, fridge, car, and their families basement couch-this probably does look rather odd… Not yet I say… maybe in a couple years. megan…you’re leaving me too! Where is the world going to these days?!

Reviewed my budget today…very bad shape with all that I have budgeted. I need to learn to live more frugally.

mood mood mood

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